Tuesday, October 1, 2024

al-Alam al-Wasat Kinds

 This post concerns the "races" (now rebranded as "species") for the al-Alam al-Wasat setting. I'm going to stick with "kinds" (which is the term I used for Lukomorye) - "race" in FRPGs is derived from Tolkien, but is mired in a lot of pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo, while "species" tries to drape STEM ideology over everything - the idea of spirits that are species is a bit laughable, while rendering half-elves or half-orcs as 'species' makes the category nonsensical. So, kinds - it encapsulates both descent and traditions, while being simultaneously archaic-sounding and without pretense of 'accuracy' or scientificity.

There is a Kind ability adjustment in al-Alam al-Wasat, but it generally allows only a +1 adjustment to one statistic (because other modifiers are derived from backgrounds

Makhluqat - the Created Beings

Al-Bashar (Humans)

According to Khudi teachings, humans were created as stewards of al-Wakim on earth. Created out of clay, they are nevertheless endowed with reason and moral responsibility and expected to uphold justice and harmony across the world. In ancient times, they coexisted with the jinn and other creatures that have now largely withdrawn into the Alam al-Ghayb - the Unseen World, and the wild, desolate places of the Middle World. Some scholars believe that the trials and tribulations faced by humanity are reminders of their duty to maintain the balance al-Wakim has established among all beings. Others warn that neglecting this sacred duty may lead to a rupture in the order of creation, unleashing forces that could disrupt the delicate equilibrium of the world.

As a cosmopolitan crossroads, the Caliphate includes a variety of different human groups, which nevertheless retain distinct identities, histories, languages, and to an extent, beliefs. These are the most prominent among them:

Abishai - People of the south. They are split between Khudi, Tabuti and Alfari adherents. The Abishai claim they were the first people, and also the ownership of the Tobet - a substance similar to that of the Salb, but one which, according to the Abishai, fell earlier. Their land is rich in incenses of various kinds, and the trees that produce them are reputedly guarded by winged serpents. The Abishai are darker-complexioned than other peoples of the Middle World. 

Fargun - The Fargun are people of the far west. They profess the Alfari Faith, but are reputed to be warlike, savage, and prone to drink. They took control of a stretch of coastline in the Khudi heartland, and are gradually being pushed out, but their castles are strong and take a while to bring down. They favor heavy weapons and armor, are tall, and fair-skinned.

Kushti - A nation of fierce and warlike horse-riders and tent-dwellers from the steppes of the north. Descendants of these people have evolved to become Mamluk dynasties that have brought a good deal of the Middle World under their rule. The most prominent of their begs have accepted the Khudi faith, and the recent converts among them are fired by a religious zeal to bring as many lands as possible under their control. The Caliphate is de facto ruled by a Kushti dynasty, which is why the Kushti are now identified with poltiical power across much of the Middle World. The people themselves are typically tall, dark-haired, and with high cheekbones. They have the reputation of being very strong, excellent riders and archers. Some of the more recent converts still follow many of the old ways (including the consumption of strong drink).

Najimi - People living on the eastern boundaries of the Caliphate. They are reputedly very wealthy, especially in gold, gems and spices, but most of them live in ignorance and worship many gods. Some have accepted al-Khud, howerver. Their merchants occasionally appear in the caravanserais across the Great Silk and Spice Ways. They are dark-complexioned. 

Narti - Mountain people of the Toros range. They also claim to be quite ancient - in fact, the first people to emerge after the Great Flood. Most of them are Alferi in their beliefs, though some have accepted the Khud faith. They are famed for their hospitality, but they are fierce fighters, especially when defending their own lands. They are tend to have long-running blood feuds. Most Narts are olive-complexioned.

Tabuti - The name refers to both a religious group and a nation. The correspondence is not exact, but close - there are a few (mostly among the Abishai and the Kushti) who belong to the former but not exactly to the latter. The Tabuti are an ancient people who also assert their primacy. They claim they were the first to worship only one God. They have lost their homeland, and are spread out throughout the world. In the Middle World, they typically live in large cities. They are famed merchants, with family enterprises often extending to the edges of the world. They also have the reputation of being great physicians. In the Caliphate, aside from their religion, they are pretty well assimilated. Their dietary habits are similar to those of Khudi peoples, and most Tabuti speak Thani. Most of them have an average olive complexion.

Tat - Along with the Kushti and the Thani, one of the three most populous groups in the Middle World. In the Age of Ignorance, the Tat built one of the greatest empires the world had ever seen, but since the coming of al-Khud, they have become primarily known for their cultural influence. The greatest Khudi poets write in the Tat language. The most beautiful mosques and palaces are found in Tat cities. And the most beautiful carpets are woven by Tat weavers. They are also known as great riders. The Caliph himself is culturally Tat. About half of the people living in Tat areas are Nasabi - it is here that this branch of al-Khud is most prominent. However, an important minority still espouses the Majus religion - a dualist faith. Most Tat' have an average, olive complexion. 

Thani - If the Kushti are known for political leadership, and the Tat - for cultural leadership, the Thani are the religious leaders of the Caliphate. Baha and virtually all early Khudi leaders were Thani, and received the revelation of the Taweeth in their native tongue. The words of the Revelation were spoken in this language, and therefore, it is literally the word of God, and translation is generally discouraged. Most nobility traces their descent to Thani tribal leaders - especially Baha and the early Caliphs. The Thani are the most widespread ethnic group, and their homelands are almost as extensive as the Middle World itself. While the Tat language predominates in the East of the Caliphate Thani dominates the Center and West. Every nation that accepts al-Khud uses the Thani script. The Thani tend to have average to dark complexion. 

Yunani - Neighbors of the Caliphate to the north and west. The Yunani are also an ancient people with a storied past - their king Markus is regarded as the greatest conqueror ever. Until recently, the Yunani ruled an empire of their own, but it is now reduced to just its capital city, Burfiriyus (though its walls are well-nigh impregnable). Most Yunani espouse the Alfari faith. Most of them are average-complexioned.

Zutti - A distant people from a distant land, Zutti merchants occasionally appear in Khudi cities. The Zutti are subject to the Follower of the Stars, who rules a large and wealthy empire far to the east of the Middle World. They are especially famed for their silks, fine pottery, and fireworks. The Zutti people are dark-haired, with facial features that are somewhat reminiscent of the Kushti. Adherents of all faiths live among the Zutti.

Human Traits: Humans may add +1 to any attribute they wish, and select a bonus language and a feat from among those that appear in the PHB, Lukomorye, or special Background feats in One D&D. If the player does not wish to choose, they may simply take the Skilled feat. 

Aasimun (Aasimar)

Unlike humans, angels (malaika) were created from light. They are closer to God, and endowed with remarkable powers relative to humans, but they lack free will, and never sin. This makes humans who side with God superior to the angels, and the angels recognize this. Their role is to act as guides and protectors (the literal meaning of aasim) for humans who strive to live up to the fundamental challenge God has placed before them.

In certain instances, angels are given instructions and sent out from Jannah (paradise) into the world as embodied spirits. They do not thereby lose their angelic nature, as their embodiment is a direct act of God, not a product of a human - angel union, in which the angels don't engage. These aasimun do not cease being immortal beings (though their bodies can both be destroyed, and, in principle, sent back). They are sent to protect or guide individual people, groups, or whole peoples. 

An Aasim cannot act contrary to divine commands. At the same time, the instructions they are given are not exhaustive, and they do not have the benefit of unlimited communication with al-Wakim. In other words, they carry out their instructions to the best of their ability and understanding, but they cannot go against clear instructions. Chroniclers point to examples of assimun apparently fighting in opposing armies, which creates headaches for theologians, but ultimately, God's purposes elude even the most subtle minds. 

When in the presence of aasimun, humans, even authoritative ones, will generally act respectfully, as there is a good chance that the aasimun is literally fulfilling God's mission. However, some may act more skeptically, on account of the fact aasimun have been known to appear to act at cross-purposes. Additionally, some apparent aasimun may in fact be a peri (see below) - an entity that most Khudi scholars regard with some skepticism.

Aasimun Traits:

Ability Score Increase: +1 CHA

Age; Ageless in human terms, aasimun may be formed temporarily for a specific mission

Alignment: being an angelic being, an aasimun must carry out divine instructions

Size: M

Speed: 30 feet

Darkvision; none; you have the Light Bearer feature, and do not need it

Celestial Resistance: As Aasimar, but only to radiant damage

Healing Hands: As Aasimar

Light Bearer: As Aasimar

Languages: no bonus Celestial language (God speaks to his angels in Thani)

Angelic Nature: identical to the elvish Trance feature (your body is physical, but your angelic nature makes it so that you only require 4 hours of praising God to receive the benefits of a long rest

At 3rd level: Select Radiant Soul of Radiant Consumption (Necrotic Shroud unavailable) 

Variant: Perizadeh (peri-kin)

Adherents to the Majus religion, as well as certain mystical schools and strains within the Nasabi branch of al-Khud contend that God's angels are not necessarily without free will, or the ability to fall. They contend that some beings of light did become fallen angels, though a good many of these subsequently regretted taking sides against God, and undertook to atone for their misdeeds. The peri are among the beings of light that strive to find redemption by becoming guides and partners to humans. Some are said to enter congress with humans, and even to produce progeny with them.

The perizadeh dealt with here are in fact products of such unions. Though they may be on a redemptive mission, they are beings with free will, and can choose to act in non-good ways. Most do try to be helpful, however, Humans tend to regard them as very attractive, but sometimes awe-inspiring.

Official opinion is somewhat skeptical of peri, as their existence seems to undermine the dominant Khudi belief that angels are beings wholly subservient to God and incapable of reproducing with humans. Those that cannot explain away their existence settle for abstract arguments about the different nature of peri and aasimun, though they do not define exactly what this difference resides in. But the suspicion toward peri sometimes results in suspicion toward aasimun, which appear to be very similarly constituted. Sects that accept the existence of peri use this fact to argue that the orthodox position is in fact divorced from reality. Both would agree that the existence and nature of the peri is a mystery.

Mechanically, the perizadeh are nearly identical with aasimun. The key difference is that they do age (though they are long-lived and live past 110), and they do not have to be good-aligned. They may not, however, choose the Radiant Consumption option.

Bayt Aad (Goliaths)

In ages past, a people called Aad developed a powerful kingdom centered on Irem - the City of Pillars. They were great of stature, which aided them in building great buildings and dominating the people around them. They were descended from a line humans after the Great Flood, but with time, became a separate kind that towered above all others. Given their stature and power, the Aad became prideful, and ignored the Warners sent to them from God. So He destroyed their kingdom in a fierce windstorm, which buried Irem under the sand. But survivors of the House of Aad (Bayt Aad) migrated north, and reestablished themselves as a tribe called Thamud, which built cities cut directly from mountain rock. Despite the new name, they did not change their behavior, and continued to scoff at the prophets who called on them to repent. Once again, they were destroyed, this time by a massive earthquake, and their cities fell into ruin.

Rumors persist, however, about the survival of small groups of Aad, or isolated individuals, living in desert caves. They are said to keep to themselves, as they are few, and still have a foul reputation among people. Occasionally, reports surface of 'giants' attacking lost caravans or raiding wadis to take prisoners back to their caves. According to some reports, lone Aadites are spotted in cities (though these may well just be exceptionally large humans). The reports are contradictory, but they suggest that these Aadites come because they are the last of their kind, or because they have recently awakened from a very long slumber. Others come to trade and to gather knowledge (especially about their lost capital, which some also call Ubar). However, they consistently allege that most such people retain their arrogant outlook (though perhaps a few have submitted to God and adopted al-Khud). These reports were particularly numerous around three or four hundred years ago, when a human named Abd al-Azrad contacted several of them and undertook an expedition to find the City of Pillars. All the members of the expedition apparently vanished without a trace, though al-Azrad apparently left a testimony of the expedition. Called al-Azif, this book is universally condemned as the ravings of a madman, though a few lost souls continue to seek it, and toward that end, to find any survivors of the House of Aad.

Bayt Aad Traits:

Ability Score Increase: +1 STR

Age: As Goliaths

Alignment: given their isolation from the rest of the world, Aadites tend to be chaotic rather than lawful

Size: Technically M, but between seven and eight feet tall (as Goliaths)

Speed: As Goliaths

Natural Athlete: As Goliaths

Stone's Endurance: As Goliaths

Powerful Build: As Goliaths

Mountain Born: for Aadites, rather than cold climate adaptability, this feature gives them advantage on Survival checks in mountainous terrain.

Languages: Aadites can speak their own language along with one common human tongue like Thani or Tat

Religion: most Aadites on their home turf maintain the worship of various cosmic deities

Jinnasi (Genasi)

Whereas humans were formed of clay, and angels - of light, jinn were formed of smokeless fire. Like angels, they were immortal, and dwelt in the Alam al-Ghayb  - the Unseen World. Like humans, however, the jinn were endowed with free will, and could choose to submit to God, or no. As beings of fire, the jinn are passionate, and capable of assuming many forms. Not all jinn are associated with particular elements, but as they choose between Good and Evil, they may also choose to associate with a particular forms. Such forms are often associated with the conduits a jinn uses to travel from the Unseen to the Visible World, whether desert caves, mountaintops, seacoasts, or deep mines. Driven by curiosity or a need to transgress boundaries, jinn make their way through such conduits into the Middle World, where they often befriend humans and take them on as mates. In doing so, they are driven by desire and by the fascination humans hold for them. Yet it is said that some do this specifically to create progeny to propagate their kind and create bloodlines, to fulfill ancient agreements, and for some, even to find redemption.

Jinnasi who find themselves living in the Middle World usually face human suspicion given their otherworldly roots, power, and unpredictability. Those that adopt al-Khud can find tacit acceptance of religious authorities, and interest on the part of rulers interested in exploiting their powers. Yet suspicion is never far below the surface, and may be triggered at any moment. Jinnasi, often inheriting the confident and curious outlooks of their jinn parent must find ways to cope. A few channel this heritage into inner strength, which allows them to cope with humanity's suspicions by developing mastery in a skill or calling. Some of these join Sufi orders, often becoming leaders who serve as guides to seekers traversing Mt. Qaf - the boundary between the worlds. More rebellious ones join heretical sects and seek to undermine established rule, especially that of the Caliph and the Turathi ulema. Some acquire a popular following by becoming healers (who tend to practice sorcery on the side). Some join underground organizations such as the Banu Tabar. On the northern frontiers, jinnasi are often found in the role of heroic warriors, however. A few jinnasi lose interest in the Visible World, and dream of returning to the Unseen World (and assuming positions of power and prestige in the City of Brass).

However, the fate of many jinnasi is unenviable. Forced to the margins of human society, they end up as the frightful and deformed nasnas, or the flesh-eating ghûls who haunt desolate areas and waylay travelers. It is to avoid such a fate that other jinnasi seek to marry or to enter human society (though always on their own terms).

Jinnasi Traits:

Ability Score Increase: +1 CON

Age: As humans, though Jinnasi, owing to their jinn heritage, tend to be long-lived

Language: though they typically do not speak it from birth, some jinnasi insist on learning the Lughatu al-Jan - the language of the jinn. Those that do not can select a bonus tool proficiency instead.

Alignment: Jinn can technically be of any alignment, but as a result of their fiery nature, they tend toward chaotic alignments. There is a social structure and hierarchy in the Jinn realms, so some of them are certainly lawful.

Size: M

Speed: 30 feet/round

Jinnasi Subtypes

Among all the non-human Makhluqat, jinnasi are the most numerous. Given their great number and variety, they are grouped into four types (though whether each type is a distinct 'subspecies', or is simply grouped together on the basis of perceived characteristics). It is also said that jinn gravitate toward one of these four types to avoid becoming ghûls.  

Daonun (Earth). Jinn associated with earth are uncommon. They tend to be stubborn, secretive, and obsessed with wealth. They are are regarded as more patient and deliberate but are also greedy and envious. Daonun - jinnasi with dao heritage - are often steady, reliable, and grounded, valuing stability and security. They are mostly practical and goal-oriented, but they csn also be materialistic and slow to change their minds. They tend to crave wealth, power, or status, and their ambition could drive them to great success, but envy or greed still haunt many of them.

Daonun have a solid, grounded appearance, often with a more stocky, muscular build. They may seem as if they were carved from stone or shaped from the earth itself, and their skin often has a rough, mineral-like texture. They tend to have an aura of stability and strength. Their skin typically has earthy coloration - from stone gray to brown or even gem-like (such as a jade green or obsidian black), sometimes appearing as though their skin is made of stone or crystal. Their hair varies between dark brown, black, or gray, with a texture like sand or rock, or occasionally metallic sheens like copper or iron. Their eyes reflect deep, earthy browns, gold, or are gemstone-like (emerald, onyx, etc.), often giving off a feeling of unshakable resolve.

Daonun Traits:

Stone Cunning: similar to the dwarf feature, but allowing the daonun to identify depth and direction underground, and type of stone (including gems)

Earth Walk: as earth genasi

Merge With Stone: as earth genasi

Djinnasi (Air). The djinn are free-spirited, capricious, and proud. They tend to be rebellious and independent, yet sociable and even playful at times. The djinn are associated with air, so their personalities reflect a love of freedom, movement, and unpredictability. Their mixed-heritage offspring are adventurous, inquisitive, and somewhat mischievous. They may have a hard time following strict rules or conforming to rigid societal expectations, preferring autonomy and independence. They can be charismatic but may struggle with long-term commitments.

Djinnasi often appear lean, tall, and graceful, with an almost ethereal or weightless quality to their movements. Their hair may appear windswept even when there is no breeze, and their eyes often gleam with a pale or sky-blue hue. They may have a faint shimmering aura or a soft breeze that seems to surround them at all times. They have a pale skin tone, sometimes with a bluish or silvery tint, reflecting the sky and air. Their hair white, platinum blonde, or light gray, often floating gently as if caught in a breeze, while their eyes are sky blue, silver, or gray, often appearing to swirl like the wind.

Djinnasi Traits:

Lightning Resistance: Djinnasi are resistant to lightning damage

Unending Breath: As air genasi

Mingle With the Wind: As air genasi

Efreeti (Fire). Efreeti are typically seen as arrogant, vengeful, and quick-tempered. They are associated with fire and are known for their destructive nature. They rule over fiery realms and are seen as powerful, often tyrannical beings. They can be cunning and ambitious, with a strong sense of pride. Efreeti-descended jinnasi may be passionate, strong-willed, and highly competitive. They might have a quick temper and a strong desire for power or influence. These jinnasi could be headstrong and determined, sometimes to the point of ruthlessness, but their burning drive makes them excellent leaders, or rivals.

These jinnasi tend to have strong, muscular builds with a sense of intensity and power radiating from them. Their presence often feels heated, and some may even emit warmth. There may be visible veins of molten fire running beneath their skin, especially when angry or excited. Their skin is dark reddish, bronze, or black, often with an undertone that looks like smoldering embers. Their hair is black, red, orange, or fiery colors that sometimes flicker like flames, or even appear to smolder. Their eyes can glow like coals, red, orange, or gold, often giving the impression of intense heat or fire. 

Efreeti Traits:

Darkvision: As fire genasi

Fire Resistance: As fire genasi

Reach to the Blaze: As fire genasi

Maridun (Water). Marids are aloof, majestic, and exceedingly proud. They are the most powerful among the jinn, ruling vast watery realms. They are mysterious, fluid, and at times, mercurial. Maridun are in turn calm, introspective, and wise but also prideful and difficult to sway. They may be slow to anger, but once provoked, they can unleash a torrent of emotion or power. Like water, they can be adaptive and fluid in their thinking, but they may also hold grudges, flowing around obstacles in their path to achieve their goals.

Maridun have a fluid, flowing grace in their movements, as if they were moving underwater. Their skin might appear moist or dewy, and their presence may evoke the feel of standing near a body of water, with the sound of waves or the scent of sea spray accompanying them. Their skin can shimmer between shades of blue or green, reminiscent of the ocean, with a slightly reflective quality, as if light were reflecting off water. Their hair has deep blue, green, or aqua tones, sometimes wavy or flowing, as though always slightly wet, while their eyes are also deep blue, sea-green, or turquoise, with a reflecting or liquid quality.

Maridun Traits:

Poison Resistance: replaces water genasi Acid Resistance

Amphibious: as water genasi

Swim: as water genasi

Call to Wave: as water genasi

Maran (Serpentfolk).

Stories circulating in the Middle World (especially among the Tat, Narts, and the Kushti) speak of young men who became lost in underground caves and cisterns, where they encountered a half-woman half-serpent named Shahmaran - the Queen of the Serpents. Her underground domain was pleasing, and abounded in good food and drink, whereas the queen herself was beautiful, kind and wise. She possessed the power to heal, to change shape, and to control natural forces, and she understood the secrets of the universe. She freely shared her gifts with the young man, but when he begged to be allowed to return to the surface, she implored him to keep her existence secret from other people. Versions of this tale diverge at this point, but in several of the variants, the queen is betrayed, and killed, though the youth gains some of her powers as a result.

Whether the Shahmaran has offspring, or whether she chooses to endow her favorites with her powers is unclear, though recent reports allege the existence of isolated villages where Shahmaran's progeny live. These reports assert that the Maran live secretive lives, not sharing their true nature with outsiders, as they await the fulfillment of a prophecy passed down by their queen. The few people who come to know of them regard them with a mixture of suspicion and awe. Religious scholars who try to determine their precise nature often equate them with the Maridun, who also often adopt a serpentine shape, but this only adds to the confusion. Wielders of worldly power attempt to gain their gifts for themselves - one vizier famously ate the flesh of the Shahmaran (which reputedly resulted in his death). Though of necessity clannish, the Maran do seem to be generally benevolent, and will sometimes take a liking to outsiders. A very few tales relate of Maran leaving their villages to go out into the wide world. Typically, this is also said to relate to the prophecy - either some long-lost relative must be recovered, a notable warned about a certain course of action, or an item needs be recovered.

As they try to keep their existence secret, the Maran appear as normal humans. Unless they become elders, they cannot take the hybrid form assumed by the Shahmaran - a human upper body and a serpentine torso - they do apparently possess subtle physical features that can give their heritage away. These can include slightly slitted pupils, small patches of scales, or a perhaps a cleft tongue. 

Maran Traits:

Ability Score Increase: WIS +1

Age: They can reputedly live for centuries at least, and are rumored to shed their skin to continue living in a new guise

Alignment: Despite rumors that they are in the service of Iblis, the Maran appear to be benevolent

Size: Medium

Speed: As human (30 feet/round)

Poison Immunity: Serpentfolk are immune to poison damage, and to the Poisoned condition

Maran Touch: By using their action to lay hands on a creature, the Maran can effect either a Cure Wounds or a Lesser Restoration on them. Once having done that, they cannot do so again until they have finished a long rest

Snake Whispering: Their affinity to snakes and serpents gives the Maran the following powers:

  • You can speak with snakes and other reptiles at will, as if having cast the Speak With Animals spell (other sorts of beasts are not affected)
  • You can also converse with serpents, dragons, and related beings in their own tongue (an extension of the above feature into a full-blown language
  • When interacting with any of the above creatures, Maran are considered to be permanently under the effects of a Sanctuary spell
  • When subjected to any magical or related effect (e.g. a breath weapon) by such creatures, Maran make saves with advantage
  • You can charm or immobilize reptiles or serpents by staring at them or playing on a pipe. By using an action, you effect a Color Spray spell, albeit one that is only effective against those kinds of targets. For each level you have above 1st, add 1d10 to the total number of HP of creatures you can affect. Once having done that, you cannot do so again until you have finished a long rest.

Shedding Skin: You may cast the Alter Self spell. Having done so, you cannot do so again until you have finished a long rest.

Languages: You speak the Tinnini- the language of serpents, snakes, and dragons (as above).

Rukhani (Aaracockra).

On distant islands in the Emerald Sea, an enormous bird called the rukh (called roc by some foreigners) dwells. This bird is so enormous that it is supposed to be able to seize an elephant in each of its claws and then fly away. Such a creature has to fly all over the world to find food sufficient to feed it and its offspring, though it is said that the roc's flights also take it beyond Mount Qaf and into the Alam al-Ghayb. Its purpose in doing so is not known, though perhaps it has something to do with acquiring wondrous items that help it produce humanoid progeny. Sages differ on why the rukh should want such offspring. Some assert that the Rukhani become protectors of rukh fledglings all over the Middle World, as they take a long time to reach maturity. Others argue that the Rukhani are being prepared to enter human realms, for purposes known only to the rukh elders.

Some travelers' stories allege that a rukh egg appears as an entire island. While this might be an exaggeration, Rukhani may be hatched on these islands, which also serve as the rukh's rookeries. It has been suggested that some also originate in high mountain ranges, especially near sea coasts. Such creatures have been reported by sailors, and rumors fly that several have been shot down. Such incidents have been increasingly more frequent, lending credence to the rumors that they are beginning to encroach on human realms. 

Though it is difficult to attribute characteristics to creatures so poorly known, Rukhani appear to be noble, clannish, prideful and freedom-loving (like the djinn with whom they may share and origin). This might not be the best traits for entry into a realm in which you will be heavily outnumbered, but the Rukhani may be on a mission. Such creatures are always spoken about with wonder (which of course would not prevent the servants of some self-aggrandizing amir or even the Caliph himself) from trying to capture one for their menagerie. 

Rukhani can have a range of plumage, from white to speckled to gray, brown or jet black. 

Rukhani Traits:

Ability Score Increase: DEX +1

Age: As Aaracockra - mature by three, typical lifespan - 30 years

Alignment: Despite their love of freedom, they do tend toward lawful alignments

Size: Medium, specifics as Aaracockra

Speed: 30 feet/round, fly 50 feet/round, but to use this speed you cannot be wearing heavy or medium armor

Talons: As Aaracockra

Languages: You speak Tahiri - the language of birds and other avians

Shaytani (Tieflings)

Chief among the jinn was Iblis, who was God's most powerful servant, and entrusted with the administration of Creation. But after the rise of humanity, al-Wakim called upon the jinn and the angels to bow down before them. Iblis refused, for which he was banished from Jennah. Iblis won reprieve from being cast into Jahannam - Gehenna - until the Day of Judgment, so he resolved to use the time to prove to God that humans are unworthy.

Iblis was followed into exile by other jinn, who had free will, and could choose to accept or rejection submission to God. These became known as the shayatin - demons. Most of the shayatin were efreeti, and shared their fiery nature. But over time, they either became a separate lineage, or were transformed by their service to Iblis. While efreeti are known for their arrogance, pride, and cruelty, especially toward enslaved mortals, the Shayatin are more cunning and manipulative, with a focus on deception, subversion, and corrupting influence through the use of illusion and infernal magic.

Shayatin have a variety of reasons for seeking to produce half-human offspring. Like other jinn, shayatin are lustful, but the creation of offspring is typically a deliberate act. As they are engaged in hatching plots to corrupt and subvert humanity, agents in the human world who are bound by descent can prove useful. But as the shayatin simply despise humans, making mockeries of them brings them pleasure.

But living in Dunya - the human world, is perilous for the shaytani - the shayatin's offspring. Their appearance is frightful, and often needs to be disguised if shaytani are to find any measure of acceptance. Their arrival in a city can often elicit the mobilization of special teams of monster hunters, so shaytani tend to remain hidden in underground lairs, surrounded by members of secret societies. A few shaytani who can pass as human in most situations are especially successful in furthering their infernal parents' schemes. Beyond trying to survive among humans, shaytani also have to deal with being caught between two worlds. Some try to learn as much as they can about their heritage, and then go out of their way to please their infernal parent. Some simply wish for a normal life among the al-Bashar. A few actively seek atonement for their lineage's misdeeds.

Shaytani often have a beastly appearance - sharp teeth, claws, exaggerated limbs, distorted or snarling visages, and occasionally, wings. Those who can 'pass' among humans have one outstanding feature - long arms, very large pupils, a prominent birthmark, etc.

Shaytani Traits:

Ability Score Increase: CHA +1

Age: As tieflings - slightly long-lived humans

Alignment: Shaytani can repent, but tend toward evil alignments

Size: Medium, specifics as Aaracockra

Speed: 30 feet/round

Languages: the shayatin may have their own language, but rumor has it that merely hearing it drives people mad. Their shaytani offspring may instead take a bonus language, as shaytani have to find outside sources of support to survive. Bonus languages can include the language of the jinn, or Thieves' Cant

Darkvision: 60 feet

Devilish Insight: You know most cons, so you save against Enchantment and Illusion effects with advantage

Legacy of Gehenna: Select one of the following cantrips to know: Friends, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Thaumaturgy. In addition, at 3rd level, you learn and may cast one of the following as 2nd level spells once per Long Rest period: Hellish Rebuke, Silent Image, Disguise Self, Charm Person. Burning Hands. At 5th level, you learn and can cast one of the following spells once per day: Darkness, Crown of Madness, Detect Thoughts, Suggestion, Invisibility, Flame Blade. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

al-Alam al-Wasat Backgrounds

The backgrounds of al-Alam al-Wasat are not far removed from the 5e baseline, or from Markwald. There are nevertheless several minor differences or reflavorings with established backgrounds, and several additions, to capture the flavor of the setting more fully. Given the cosmopolitan flavor of the Caliphate (at least in the larger cities), the Foreigner (or Far Traveler) background seems redundant - there are many far travelers, and they do not seem overly exotic.

As with Markwald (and partially, the 2024 PHB), Backgrounds provide stat improvements, but race/kind does effect stats as well, though to a smaller extent.

Starting wealth for the 'standard' backgrounds is identical to that in the core rules, unless otherwise noted.

All characters, regardless of background, speak the Thani tongue - any languages noted below are known in addition to that.

Abd (Slave).

Being chattel is always unenviable, but the lot of the slave is somewhat modified by al-Khud. Many scholars consider it unlawful to enslave other Khudi for any reason, though opinion is divided on the matter. Owners are enjoined by the Taweeth to manumit their slaves whenever possible, especially upon one's death, or a slave's conversion. There are instructions on the proper treatment of slaves, and restrictions on separating family members by selling slaves, though they may be selectively enforced. There are definitely more protections in place for Khudi than non-Khudi slaves. Consequently, slaves are captives of war, and largely of non-Khudi origin. Some slaves are permitted to engage in business and in special circumstances, to wield political power - some Mamluk slave soldiers essentially run states of their own.

Ability Adjustments: variable (+1 to two different Ability Scores)
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Insight
Languages and Tools: choose two from among languages, artisan tools and/or musical instruments
Equipment: Common clothes, one tool (including cosmetics) or instrument, a trinket which serves as a memento of home, and a pouch with 5 dinars

Feature: Master

You have an owner who regards you as an investment that needs to be protected. This person (or establishment) is not necessarily well-disposed toward you, and may mistreat you. However, they have a stake in keeping you alive and out of harm’s way – perhaps, because of your monetary value, a desired skill you possess, a sense of obligation, or even an emotional attachment. Possibly, your master is your mentor in your chosen class, or, if religious, interested in helping you find salvation. Because of your long association, you are also aware of important or compromising information, and treasured items possessed by this person, and have ways of accessing them. Under most circumstances, you can find sanctuary in the master’s household.

Sample Characteristics: 

Personality Traits (roll d8 twice)

8Personality Trait
1I keep my head down, and say little: any extra word can pose a risk to my survival
2I have been sold frequently, claim to have been all over the world, and can always adapt to a new place
3Animals can be fine companions and sources of knowledge
4I have a sob story about my hard life for any occasion
5I have little regard for masters of any kind
6I always know what’s going on with the people around me, and love to share gossip and rumors
7I am devoted to the service of my lord, and always know my place
8I owe the little I have to my God, and am very pious and observant

Ideals (roll d6)

1Freedom. No matter my current station, I’m inwardly free, and act as I like whenever given the opportunity. (Chaotic)
2Salvation. I am a sinner, but if I try my best to live this life as a good person, God will let me enter paradise in the next one. (Good)
3Service. It is my duty to serve my master(s) to the best of my ability. (Lawful)
4Retribution. My life is full of misery, and all those responsible will pay. (Evil)
5Fatalism. My life is outside my control, so I take as little responsibility, and make as little effort as possible. (Neutral)
6Greatness. I may be a slave now, but I know I’m destined for great things. (Any)

Bonds (roll d6)

1I cannot leave my master until a relative or close friend has also been redeemed
2I have an emotional attachment to my master or someone who belongs to his or her household
3I have a sworn enemy inside my master’s household
4I have transgressed against my master, and need to prevent her from finding out what I did
5I’m seeking an item or a person I lost before I came to my present master
6I will avenge my enslavement (and/or the destruction of my home)

Flaws (roll d6)

1I studiously look for ways to avoid doing any work
2I always try to avoid blame and shift it onto others
3If there is someone weaker than me, I treat them the way those who are stronger treat me
4If in doubt about what to say, lie
5Anything is justified in the pursuit of freedom
6I know property is theft, so I steal whenever I can, too

Amil (Urban Laborer).

Probably a third or more of the population of a typical al-Alam al-Wasat city, the ummal are legally free. This group includes day laborers, porters, construction workers, small-scale artisans (e,g, barbers), and the like. Their children are often street urchins. Some who belong to this group receive aid from various charitable foundations.

Ability Adjustments: +1 STR, +1 CON
Skill Proficiencies: Pick two from among Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight and Persuasion
Languages and Tools: Pick two from among artisan tools or vehicles (or one of each).
Equipment: Common clothes, common clothes, two sets of basic** tools or one set of such tools and one simple melee weapon, a token to remind you of your parents, and a pouch containing 10 dinars

Feature: Neighborhood Pride

In your own community, you have a network of people, who, as the need arises, can hide you from local authorities, share important information, or buy you some sherbet at the market. Such “pride” is initially limited to a particular bar, alley, or waterfront you used to frequent, but as your fame and power grow, it may extend to whole town district or even an entire city, provided you don’t do anything to lose your people’s trust. Every appearance back in your old stomping grounds will then turn into a hero’s homecoming. 

Type of Job: Roll on the following table to reveal the nature of your work. Roll a custom-made d16, or a d8 and a d6 to determine high or low – if the d6 roll is 4-6, add 8 to the d8 roll to determine final result:

d16Job Type
1Day Laborer
3Street cleaner
6Stable hand/groom
7Wet Nurse

d16Job Type
9Water bearer
13Gongfermor (disposer of waste)
14Rat catcher
16Grave digger

Personality Traits (roll d8 twice)

d8Personality Trait
1Even the stevedores down on the docks think I have a foul mouth
2I never shirk from work, and I like to sing or whistle to lighten my load
3Every time I eat or drink I act like it could be my last
4I am the person to whom everyone comes for aid and favors
5I'm not too keen on bathing and personal hygiene
6I owe whatever I have to my God, and am always pious and observant
7Whenever there is a procession, riot, or any kind of mob scene, I’m there
8I like to tell tall tales about how I’m a prince in exile or a powerful sorcerer

Ideal (roll d6):

1Charity. There is always someone worse off than you, and by helping them you forget your troubles. (Good)
2Community. The world is full of cruelty and deceit, so all of us in the neighborhood have to stick up for each other. (Lawful)
3Aspiration. I’m going to prove that I’m worthy of a better life. (Any)
4Retribution. My life is full of misery, and all those responsible will pay. (Evil)
5Drifting. Sometimes responsibilities weigh me down too much, and I dream of leaving it all behind and taking to the road. (Chaotic)
6Fortune. One day, I’ll catch a lucky break, I just know it. Until then, I’ll keep throwing fals into the wishing well. (Neutral)

Bond (Roll d6):

1A relative is ill, injured, or disabled, and I do all I can to help them get better
2I’m sought after by loan sharks or authorities who want to sell me into slavery
3I have pawned a valuable family possession, and am trying to track it down or buy it back
4I’m smitten with someone who is far above my station
5I have recently started following a charismatic preacher who has appeared in our town
6I have recently discovered that a very highly-placed person looks exactly like me

Flaw (roll d6)

1Mind-altering substances or wine are sometimes the only relief
2I’m a compulsive gambler, and have trouble hanging on to money
3I’m not a bad person, but when it comes down to it, I have to look out for Number One
4I spread rumors, curse, and generally have a hard time keeping my mouth closed
5Beating children, animals, and anyone weaker than me teaches them valuable lessons and improves their conduct
6I have a penchant for religious fanaticism (not always the same kind)

Ashraf (Noble).

Though noble status can be inherited or conferred on a person for service, it is of utmost importance to demonstrate descent from the Apostle's clan or a Nasabi imam. Descent is primarily preserved through oral tradition, though written records and visible symbols (clothes pigment, a particular inscription) are also used as identification of status. Bearing a sword (especially a particularly well-made one) is also a marker of nobility.

Ability Adjustments: +1 INT, +1 CHA
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, History
Languages and Tools: one language, one gaming set
Equipment: A set of fine silk clothes, a letter of introduction and safe passage, and a pouch with 25 dinars
Feature: Patronage and Protection

You have access to the networks of patronage that define the power structures across the Middle World. Your noble status grants you the ability to request favors, protection, and hospitality from other nobles, scholars, and officials, particularly if you carry letters of introduction or can establish your lineage. When you travel to a new location, you can typically find someone within your network who will offer you support or a place to stay, as long as your noble status is known. You also have the ability to call upon local authorities for assistance, and you are generally treated with respect by those in power. However, this feature also means that you may be called upon to repay these favors or act as a patron yourself.

Sample Characteristics: As Noble (PHB). 

Bahhar (Sailor). 

Sailors ply the waters of the Seven Seas, moving much-needed trade goods, including oils, grain, textiles, precious metals, rare wood, spices and perfumes, and rare beasts, from one land to another. They may be rowers, navigators, cooks, or officers, but, aside from galley slaves, they are usually personally free. Some are foreigners, and hail from sea-faring nations in the far east or far west. Some may have turned to piracy.

Ability Adjustments: +1 STR, +1 WIS
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Perception
Languages and Tools: one language, waterborne vehicles
Equipment: a belaying pin (club), 50 feet of silk rope, an exotic trinket or Tiny animal, a set of common clothes, and a pouch with 10 dinars
Feature: Ship's Passage (as Sailor)
Sample Characteristics: As Sailor (PHB).

You are free to select the Pirate (Corsair) variant as well.

Bedouin (Nomad).

You were born to a people of the desert or badlands. They migrate throughout the year, bringing their possessions, animals, and tents with them. Your people are tradition-bound, and change their ways slowly. They are also profoundly religious, and say they way of life hearkens back to the Apostle and his family. From them, you have learned how to survive in difficult environments, and the importance of family, clan or tribe - a solitary bedouin is a dead bedouin. But aside from the slaves among them, they consider themselves free from the dictates of potentates and from the fetters of urban life. Compared to your people, the peasants toil too heavily, and have less freedom of action. You are used to being on the move, coming into contact with new people, and trading with them for wondrous and exotic objects that allow you to display your status. If neighbors mistreated your clan, they were not above launching lightning-fast raids against their encampments, or pursuing a blood feud until the perceived offense is washed away. Of these, of your ancestors, and of your people's hearts' desires the epic poets still sing.

Ability Adjustments: +1 CON, +1 WIS
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Survival
Languages and Tools: one language (your native tongue)
Equipment: a set of travelers' clothes, a trinket, a mount (camel or cheaper), and a pouch with 10 dinars
Feature: Desert Kinship

You have an intimate knowledge of the desert and its ways, allowing you to navigate its challenges with ease. You know where to find water, how to avoid dangerous creatures, and the best routes through the dunes. Your knowledge of the stars and natural signs helps you to navigate even in the most barren environments. Furthermore, your connections within Bedouin tribes are strong. Wherever you travel in the desert, you can expect to find kin or allies among the nomadic peoples. These tribes may offer you food, shelter, and protection as a matter of hospitality, and you can often call upon them for assistance or safe passage. In return, you are expected to uphold the customs of your people, showing respect and honor to those who aid you.

Sample Characteristics: 

Personality Traits (roll d8 twice)

d8Personality Trait
1I am drawn to explore the wide world and cannot stay in once place for long
2A person's worth is displayed by the size of their herd and by flaunting material possessions
3Animals can be fine companions and sources of knowledge
4Nothing is more important than hospitality and nothing wins friends like fine gifts
5The desert is dangerous - one must know how to defend oneself
6I love my people's traditions and can recite my genealogy to seven generations
7I like to wander off by myself so I can hear the spirits talking to me
8When I make friends I treat them like blood relations
Ideal (roll d6)

1Freedom. Living like you want is better than falling prey to the temptations of civilization.(Chaotic)
2The Clan. You owe your survival to the group, and are responsible for pursuing their well-being at all times. (Good)
3Honor. Lying and failure to follow traditions reflects badly on my clan and ancestors. (Lawful)
4Might. In an uncertain world, only the strong survive (Evil)
5Harmony. Like migrating herds, I move through life by adapting to the eternal cycle of the seasons (Neutral)
6Glory. Epic poets will sing of my great deeds (Any)
Bond (roll d6)

1I must take care of aged parents, or to provide children to sustain my clan
2I am involved in a blood-feud with my clan’s enemies
3I grew up as a hostage among my clan’s enemies, but feel some attachment to them
4I have a sworn brother or sister who requires my aid
5I am charged with protecting a shrine or landmark which is sacred to my clan
6I am the last of my kind, and must find a way to preserve its heritage
Flaw (roll d6)

1I have a weakness for pleasures of the flesh and various intoxicants
2I’m prone to fits of blinding violence, especially in response to perceived insults
3I hold long grudges against those who slighted me
4I harbor xenophobic attitudes, and have little wish to understand those who are unlike me
5I hate my way of life, and would give it up for the comforts of civilization if I could
6I hear voices in my head, and secretly wonder if I have gone mad

Variant - Kushti

The Kushti are nomads that live on the northeastern edges of the Middle World. They are typically steppe  dwellers, and riders of horses. They are conquerors, and commonly generate powerful, though short-lived dynasties that have established control of parts of the Middle World. In many respects, their lifestyles are similar to those of the bedouins. But their acceptance of al-Khud is quite recent, or they keep to various ignorant beliefs. Those that have not converted do not abide by the shari'a, pray to multiple gods, and consume haram meats and alcohol. Recent converts are quite zealous, though some persist in older practices nevertheless. Note that 'Kushti' is the name of an ethnic group, as well as the more generic background (though most people associated with it are of Kushti ethnic background as well).

Feature: Life in the Saddle

Kushti are often taught to ride before they can even walk. You can encourage your mount to perform feats of endurance - they may make any initial save against Exhaustion with advantage. Additionally, you can receive the benefit of a long or short rest while you are riding a mount. If you succeed on an Animal Handling check, you may also receive nourishment from your mount (by drinking its blood) without causing it any long-term harm.

Bimaristan Tabib (Hospital Physician).

You were trained and are employed as a physician at a hospital (typically established as a waqf, or charitable foundation, or an institution funded by the ruler). The curriculum often included a broad education in sciences, philosophy, and literature, alongside specialized medical training. You have read the relevant ancient texts, and are skilled in humoral medicine, iatrochemistry, and perhaps more esoteric fields (like astrology). Your work likely involves some measure of maintaining public health and sanitary practices.

Ability Adjustments: +1 CON, +1 INT
Skill Proficiencies: Literacy*, Medicine
Languages and Tools: Healer's tools (kit), one bonus language (likely Yunan or Tat)
Equipment: a healer's kit, surgical tools, a vial of live leeches (or frogs), a token permitting you to practice medicine in your jurisdiction, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing 15 dinars
Feature: Attract Clientele

In your own neighborhood, you have clients in need of your services, and may modestly support yourself with respect to food, drink, and lodging. Away from home, you may attract clients, either by making a successful Persuasion roll (to recommend treatment), Insight roll (to diagnose a malady), or Performance roll (to show off virtuoso skills). 

Sample Characteristics:

Personality Traits (roll 1d8 twice)

d8Personality Trait
You take your work seriously and would like to be treated as an authoritative professional
2You think your profession is a mere fraud, and this colors your outlook on life in general
3You are not above lifting a few valuables here and there - their owners are probably not long for this world, and won't need them anyway
4You use your position to befriend the rich people you treat - it might come in handy
5You know a few secrets and scandals involving your city's officials
6Your patients have an unusually high healing rate (and you are not sure why)
7You believe yourself to be invulnerable to the diseases you treat (and other things as well)
8You believe you have a special insight into the diseases you treat, and invent various apocalyptic theories on this count
Ideal (roll d6)

1Bon Vivant. Enjoy yourself - it's later than you think.(Chaotic)
2Salvation. I work to save people, and by doing so, perhaps make myself worthy of being saved as well (Good).
3Rules. If you don't follow the proper protocol, things will be even worse (Lawful)
4Judgment. I have the power to decide who lives or dies - as I should (Evil)
5Fate. We have no control over the forces that govern life and death (but we might glimpse signs of Destiny if we look) (Neutral)
6Aspiration.  I work hard to make a difference (and a name for myself (Any)
Bond (roll d6)

1I have lost my whole family to a disease, and don't know why I was spared
2I saved the life of a patient with very little influence, and this person now follows me around and showers me with attention
3I have recently learned of a miraculous cure (but it is hard to get)
4I don't like it when the powerful put on airs - the great and lowly are equal before death
5My teacher had high expectations for me as a physician, but as a lowly bimaristan physician, I have failed him
6If you want to get results, take your oath seriously and do everything by the book

Flaw (roll d6)

1Sometimes it is better to put people out of their misery
2I have a compulsion to use my position to enrich myself and my family
3I have become a thrill seeker, and like to tempt death
4There are definitely scapegoats to blame for the various illnesses I treat (and other things going wrong)
5I'm jealous of others' skills and accomplishments, and look for ways to make them mine
6I dabble in astrology, perhaps a little too much

Dervish (Hermit).

Dervishes are ascetic wanderers in search of mystical experiences. Some are pilgrims going on hajj or to visit the grave of a saint. Some seek solitary solace in the wilderness. Some are affiliated with various Sufi orders (called Silsilas). Dervishes are assumed to be Khudi, and are given respect accordingly (if a benefactor became aware of a dervish not acting as a good Khudi should, there will be trouble).

Ability Adjustments: +1 CON, +1 WIS
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Religion
Languages and Tools: Herbalist's tools, musical instrument (reed flute), one language 
Equipment: simple robes, a staff, scrolls with spiritual texts or poetry, a flute, and a pouch with 10 dinars
Feature: Silsila

You can find shelter and hospitality among other Sufis and mystics of your order. Should a local chapter be unavailable, you may use this feature to solicit support as a beggar (though the details of such relationships should be determined in-game).

Sample Characteristics: as Hermit (PHB)

Fellah (Peasant).

You were born in a village where the majority of people eked out a hard living by working the land and tending to animals. Your people are the salt of the earth, who generally strive to survive while doing their duty to one another, to their lords, and to their God.. Though they have a strong sense of right and wrong and strive to protect one another, experience has taught them to avoid taking undue risks, and they generally disapprove of innovations, strangers, and displays of overly individualistic behavior. They are very intimately acquainted with one another and with their land, and have built up a font of folk knowledge that has allowed them to survive upheavals and disasters over many generations. If they continue persevere, they may be rewarded – perhaps in this life, perhaps in the next.

By and large, the fellahin are personally free people who work their land outright, or work it as sharecroppers. Certain regions possess large numbers of enslaved peasants, but they would typically fall under the Slave category. A non-Khudi free peasant is responsible for paying a land tax, while Khudi ones are responsible for giving alms.  Some are also responsible for performing public works (e.g. in construction and irrigation). 

Ability Adjustments: +1 CON, +1 WIS
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Nature
Languages and Tools: One type of artisan or farming tools, one type of wheeled vehicle
Equipment: A set of artisan or farming tools (shovel), an iron pot, common clothes, and a pouch with 10 dinars
Feature: Village solidarity

You belong to a village community that mostly consists of extended family. It is run by family elders who may be nosy and overbearing, but work together to provide shelter, protection, and aid to its members, because it bears collective responsibility for their fate. Famine relief, protection from pursuit, and occasionally, payment of fines and legal fees may all be provided by fellow members, though often the price requires the acceptance of the elders' authority over your life.

Standout feature:

The peasant lifestyle is not generally propitious to adventuring, but a particular feature or occurrence makes you somewhat of a standout among your peers and provides you with greater opportunities. Pick one of the following features, or roll on the Special Features table: 

Special Feature (roll d10)

d10Standout Feature
1A close relative is the headman or matriarch of your village
2You have a special relationship with your lord, who has singled you out for a special task
3Earlier in life, you have earned the respect and love of your people because of your performance during a natural disaster or attack, and they now help you in whatever ways they can
4Because of a prophecy predicting great things for you, the people around you support you in whatever ways they can
5You have fled your village to breathe city air, but are now a wanted fugitive
6The people of your ancestral village or locale have been resettled in a frontier region
7Your people have only recently become sharecroppers on the land of a conqueror, but they still harbor dreams of liberation
8The people of your village or locale have risen up in rebellion against their lord
9Your village was destroyed, and you are one of the few survivors
10You have been befriended by a spirit who has blessed you or revealed your secret origin
Sample characteristics:

Personality Traits (roll d8 twice):

d8Personality Trait
1Survival is a struggle, so accepting innovations and strangers is usually a risk not worth taking
2I am rooted to my land, and know my country like the back of my hand
3Animals can be fine companions and sources of knowledge
4I have a proverb for any occasion, and like to share my knowledge of folkways and signs with the world around me
5I am the person to whom everyone around comes for aid and favors
6I always know what’s going on with the people around me, and love to share gossip and rumors
7I am devoted to the service of my lord, and always know my place
8I owe whatever I have to my God, and am very pious and observant
Ideal (roll d6):

1Self-reliance. Never eat other people’s bread - God helps those who help themselves. (Chaotic)
2Salvation. I am a sinner, but if I try my best to live this life as a good person, God will let me enter paradise in the next one. (Good)
3Justice. When Achim delved and Ruta span, who was then the gentleman? (Lawful)
4Retribution. My life is full of misery, and all those responsible will pay. (Evil)
5Fate. I had no choice about the station I was born into, and will live my life as my parents and their parents before them. (Neutral)
6Personal destiny. Nothing and no one can keep me from my higher calling. (Any)
Bond (roll d6)

1I must take care of aged parents, or to provide children to sustain my family
2My family and I are in debt, and are looking for any way to pay it back
3I am betrothed to someone I do not love
4I committed a crime, and I’m always trying to hide from agents of my lord who are seeking to punish me for escaping
5I secretly follow heretical practices
6My village was destroyed, and I must help rebuild it
Flaw (roll d6)

1I violate the prohibition against consuming alcohol
2I spread rumors about the people around me to make myself look better
3Beating children, animals, and anyone weaker than me teaches them valuable lessons and improves their conduct
4When things around me go wrong, I tend to look for scapegoats from among those who seem different
5I’m jealous of others’ possessions and accomplishments, and look for ways to make them mine
6I don’t like to work, dream of ways my chores can just perform themselves, and think things can always just work out in the end even if I don’t apply myself

Hirafi (Artisan).

Artisans in the Middle World are not commonly organized in guilds that have a monopoly over specific trades. Instead, they usually belong to looser organizations that are more subject to market discipline. They work under the oversight of the market inspector (muhtasib, on which see below) who enforces quality standards and fair pricing, but leaves room for more competition. The concept of barakah (blessing) represents the ethical injunction to engage in fair dealing. Different family enterprises compete with one another, though they are commonly based in workshops near specialized markets or within particular craft-centered neighborhoods (mahallahs). It is significantly easier for al-Alam al-Wasat artisans to introduce new techniques and even to switch trades than is the case in areas dominated by craft guilds, but they have fewer protections from market fluctuations. They are also more subject to political instability, especially during interregna.

Ability Adjustments: depending on specialization, +1 DEX +1 WIS (e.g. potters and jewelers),  +1 STR +1 WIS (e.g. smiths, masons, carpenters), +1 INT +1 WIS (e.g. calligraphers), +1 INT +1 CHA (musicians), etc.
Skill Proficiencies: variable - typically Persuasion and Insight, but replace one with Literacy for calligraphers, with Performance for musicians, etc.  
Languages and Tools: one language, one type of artisan's tools (or musical instrument)
Equipment: One type of artisan tools (as appropriate), a finished piece (with a value not exceeding 10 dinars), a set of common clothes, and a pouch with 15 dinars
Feature: Market acumen

By taking a regular day to do research, you are able to learn prices for goods produced by your craft within a new locale. You are also able to learn what items are particularly in demand, who the competition might be, what practices are encouraged and discouraged, where to locate the local market inspector, whether they are amenable to baksheesh, etc. 

Sample Characteristics: (As Guild Artisan, PHB - replace 'guild' with 'master' where appropriate)

Jundi (Soldier). 

Soldiers in the Middle World come in many varieties, from conscripts to the city militia to Thani tribal warriors to Tat mountaineers to sipahi cavalry. One type - the Mamluk - is unique to the Middle World, and is detailed below as a variant.

Ability Adjustments: +1 STR, +1 DEX
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Intimidation
Languages and Tools: One gaming set, one land vehicle
Equipment: An insignia of rank, a trophy taken from an enemy (or a memento of a fallen comrade), a gaming set (most typically dice), common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 dinars.
Feature: Barracks support

If in home base, soldiers are guaranteed food, shelter and weapons while carrying out their duties. Beyond the home base, they may make rolls to find another employer with advantage.

Sample Characteristics: Military Rank (PHB).

Variant: Mamluk

Mamluks (also known as ghulams) are slave soldiers, captured in warfare (typically from the northern and northeastern edges of the Middle World) or taken as youngsters in the form of tribute from subject peoples. They are converted to al-Khud, and raised with other Mamluks in proximity to a ruler's court. They are the most loyal and zealous of all soldiers, and follow a code that calls on them to be brave, hospitable to their own, honest, and above all, loyal. Some Mamluk companies are so tight-knit and so powerful that they have captured control of kingdoms (without technically ceasing to be slaves).

Variant feature: Martial Brotherhood.

You are part of a disciplined and loyal military order. You can rely on the support and hospitality of other Mamluks and soldiers, and you can gain access to military facilities and resources.

Mualij (Healer).

These specialists tend to be found in more rustic areas, and to specialize in pragmatic matters such as stimulating conception, midwifery, abortion, love charms and similar matters. They are usually familiar with local flora and fauna as medicinal sources, as well as possessing expertise in arcane creatures that inhabit the area. Some also dabble in exorcism, removing curses (or bestowing them), and various forms of fortune telling.

Ability Adjustments: +1 INT, +1 WIS
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Medicine
Languages and Tools: Healer's Tools, Herbalist's Tools 
Equipment: A healer’s kit, an herbalism kit, a small cauldron, a set of common clothes, a pouch containing 10 dinars, and one of the following: a sickle, knife, gaming set, a piece of religious text, or a trinket
Feature: Attract Clientele. 

In your own village or neighborhood, you have clients in need of your services, and who provide you with modest food, drink, and lodging. Away from home, you may attract clients, either by making a successful Persuasion roll (to recommend treatment), Insight roll (to diagnose a malady), or Performance roll (to show off virtuoso skills). However, you will generally not ask for money or set prices directly, but will accept what people are willing to offer you.

Specialty (roll d6)

d6 rollSpeciality
2Healer of chronic illnesses
3Fortune teller
5Maker of charms (for luck, love, etc.)

Sample Characteristics: 

Personality Traits (roll d8 twice)

d8Personality Trait
1I am the person to whom everyone comes for aid and advice
2I like to keep to myself, and those who disturb me better have a very good reason for doing so
3I’m always in the know about local rumors and gossip, and act on that knowledge if need to
4I know my locale, its flora and its fauna like the back of my hand
5I like putting people at ease, even if that means sugarcoating bad news
I’m blunt about giving bad news, even if that upsets people
7I add to my mystique by any means – cackling, strange accents, colorful clothes, appearing to always go into trances, etc.
8I know what’s right and what works, and won’t tolerate interference or disrespect from any supposed authority
Ideal (roll d6)

1Freedom. The authorities try to keep people sick and ignorant – I practice my art to free myself, and them. (Chaotic)
2Helpfulness. The world is a difficult place. I will aid people’s pain and suffering to the best of my ability. (Good)
3Tradition. If we remembered the old ways, perhaps we would all be better off. (Lawful)
4Power. All those who see a distinction between Black Magic and White Magic lie. Black Magic is the magic that works. (Evil)
5Balance. The will of the authorities, our own desires, order and chaos, must be weighed in everything we do - that is wisdom. (Neutral)
6Aspiration. I want to be recognized as an effective and powerful practitioner far and wide. (Any)
Bond (roll d6)

1A mistake I made cost several people their lives
2People where I live think I’m a witch, and usually shun me
3I am determined to find a cure for a difficult illness (but haven’t yet)
4I know a secret grove, cave or grotto which I want to keep safe from intruders at all costs
5I secretly think of my craft as superstition, and of myself as a charlatan
6I have been secretly contacted by a magical creature that needs my help
Flaw (roll d6)

1I have a tendency to tell patients what they want to hear
2I have a compulsion to use my position to enrich myself
3I take risks with my patients to show off my greatness
4I am vengeful, and pay back in full those who threaten or disrespect me
5I’m jealous of others’ skill and accomplishments, and look for ways to make them mine
6I dabble in Black Magic, perhaps a little too much

Muhtal (Charlatan).

Typically, charlatans belong to the free population, and function in and around the larger cities. Some are small-time crooks at marketplaces and ports, or are involved with gambling in some capacity. Many will have protectors in the form of criminal bosses, nobles, or perhaps even judges.

Ability Adjustments: +1 INT, +1 CHA
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Sleight of Hand
Languages and Tools: Disguise kit, gaming set (typically dice or knucklebones)
Equipment: A disguise kit, a set of fine clothes, con job tools (loaded dice, three pottery bowls, counterfeit coins, bottles of colored liquid) and a pouch containing 15 dinars
Feature: Safe House. 

In your home settlement, you have a place you can hide out when you need to. In other settlements, you can make a roll to find such places with advantage.

Sample Characteristics: As Charlatan (PHB).

Muhtasib (Market Inspector).

The Muhtasib is a unique background in the al-Alam al-Wasat setting. As market inspector, they are responsible for overseeing that legitimate business practices are followed - no false weights are used, goods conform to standard expectations, prices are within prescribed limits, stalls are properly constructed so as to be safe for customers, and so on. You are likewise charged with ensuring that streets in commercial districts are kept clean, and that behavior in such places accords with legal and moral precepts. You likely work closely with the local watch or militia to help you enforce order.

Ability Adjustments: +1 WIS, +1 CHA
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Insight
Languages and Tools: Abacus, one bonus language
Equipment: A token of authority (a ring, staff, or letter of appointment), an abacus, a weigh scale, a whistle, common clothes, and a pouch containing 15 dinars
Feature: Regulator of Trade.

In most instances, you can quickly adjudicate minor disputes and deal with minor misbehaviors in most areas of your city. You also make Perception rolls to spot false weights, counterfeit coins, and spoiled goods with advantage.


Personality Traits (roll d8 twice)

d8Personality Trait
1I leave no detail unchecked - every transaction must be fair and every shop in order
2I believe in upholding the law with an iron fist, and expect no less from others
3I am always curious about the reasons behind people's actions, and like to ask probing questions
4Fairness is my guiding principle - I weigh each case carefully before rendering a judgment
5I carry myself with confidence, knowing that every word uttered can shape the marketplace
Understanding people takes time, and I approach every situation with an air of calm deliberation
7I am truly bothered by disrespectful or violent behavior
8My work is a reflection of my faith - I strive to bring people back to the path of righteousness
Ideal (roll d6)

1Justice. The law must apply equally to all, regardless of status (Lawful)
2Integrity. As a public official, my conduct must be beyond reproach (Lawful)
3Tradition. Back in the old days, markets were prosperous and orderly. (Lawful)
4Helpfulness. I serve the people of the city and our guests, and feel it my duty to make them feel at home (Good)
5Profit. I hold this position because I deserve it, and deserve to benefit from it (Evil)
6Trust in God. Markets and prices are outside our control - pray and hope for the best. (Neutral)
Bond (roll d6)

1I am sworn to protect the integrity of my market as it is the lifeblood of our city
2My loyalty to the ruler is unwavering - their word is my command
3My family has served as muhtasibs for generations - I must not make them ashamed of me
4I am committed to safeguarding the welfare of our people against corruption and greed
5I am inspired by a particular merchant whose industry, fairness and generosity inspire me
6I owe everything to the muhtasib who trained me and I strive to live up to their example
Flaw (roll d6)

1Sometimes I push too hard in my pursuit of justice, alienating those I should protect
2I single out people I think don't belong for special scrutiny 
3I am overly distrustful of others, always suspecting deceit and treachery
4For my friends - everything, for everyone else - the law
5Not above having my palm greased
6The weight of my responsibilities makes me doubt my ability to do my job and uphold the law

Mujrim (Criminal).

al-Alam al-Wasat's cities are large and wealthy enough to support large criminal ecosystems. Local gangs involved in smuggling, market thievery, burglary and protection rackets can be found in any city. Most gangs are family enterprises or cluster in particular neighborhoods, but some organizations, like the Ayarun in Shahrinoor or the Shakiriyya in Istiada encompass most of the city. Outside the major cities dwell caravan robbers and other wilderness bandits, who are often protected by a rogue lord, and who have secret stashes of loot in the badlands. Some coastal and island areas contain their own corsair republics. And the infamous Banu Tabar is a secret criminal organization that spans the width of the Middle World. Some groups have also formed around the fastnesses of heretic mystics.

Ability Adjustments: +1 STR, +1 DEX
Skill Proficiencies: Intimidation, Stealth
Languages and Tools: Gaming set, thieves' tools
Equipment: Dark-colored common or traveling clothes with a hood, a crowbar, and a pouch containing 15 dinars 
Feature: Criminal Contact. (PHB). 

all regular criminal specializations available; the Spy variant also available.

Sample Characteristics: As criminal (PHB).

Mutrib (Entertainer).

You are a busker or performer at a marketplace, tea house, bathhouse, or caravanserai. The best performers are selected to perform for wealthy merchants, nobles, courtiers and rulers. Note than some performers belong to Sufi lodges, and might fall under the category of Dervishes. The groups of public entertainers tend to be loosely organized.

Ability Adjustments: +1 DEX, +1 CHA
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Performance
Languages and Tools: Disguise kit, one musical instrument
Equipment: A costume, a musical instrument, common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 dinars
Feature: By popular demand (PHB).

all regular entertainer routines, as well as the the Gladiator (Pehlivan wrestler) variant available

Sample Characteristics: As Entertainer (PHB).

Qiyan (Courtesan).

Similar to a Japanese geisha, a qiyan is a provider of high-class entertainment. They are skilled at musical performance, witty conversation, and a variety of lovemaking techniques. Qiyan find admittance into the most exclusive salons and symposia, and some are in fact related to highly-placed courtiers and rulers. Lower-class providers of analogous services are probably classed among the ummal (see Alim above).

Ability Adjustments: +1 INT, +1 CHA
Skill Proficiencies: Performance, Persuasion
Languages and Tools: one language, one musical instrument
Equipment: Cosmetics kit (may be used for disguise), fine clothes, one musical instrument, and a pouch containing 20 dinars
Feature: Attract Clientele (as Healer, above).

Sample Characteristics: As Entertainer (PHB), but change result two from Bonds from "musical instrument" to any item.

Su'luk (Vagabond/Beggar).

You live on the road, traveling from town to town, and from settlement to settlement. You are an outcast from society, but not an outlander, because you live within its boundaries, and its rules are not foreign to you regardless of whether you abide with them or not. You have led this life for lack of better options, because you are pursuing a goal that requires you to wander or seek far and wide, or because you enjoy the freedom it provides, despite frequent deprivations. Though you move alone when you have to, you prefer to join other travelers – pilgrims, peddlers, troupers, or others like yourself. Along the way, you have picked up various skills that allow you to beg, scavenge, do odd jobs, and otherwise find opportunities to survive in wilderness, town, or village.

Ability Adjustments: +1 WIS, +1 CHA
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, Survival
Languages and Tools: Select any two from among basic tools**, musical instruments, or gaming sets
Equipment: A set of ragged clothes, a patched overcoat or cloak, a walking stick (staff), a haversack (with capacity of up to 50 lbs.), and a pouch with 5 dinars
Feature: Widely Traveled

You may not have been everywhere, but you’ve heard stories about a lot of places. Generally, you will be privy to 1d4 facts about any settlement with more than 1000 residents (at GM discretion, a vagabond may know about smaller places if she knows the area well, or may not know about larger settlements in a very distant region). These facts may involve local attractions, information about rulers and political situations, recent events, conflicts, and, if the GM allows, rumors or secrets about particular individuals. There may still be the usual 40% that each fact is inaccurate or a red herring

Sample Characteristics:

Personality Traits (roll d8 twice)

d8Personality Trait
1I like to attach myself to a particular traveling companion (whether they like it or not)
2I’m a bit of a hoarder – you never know when found items may become useful
3Every time I eat or drink I act like it could be my last
4I feign an injury or mental condition that I do not actually have
5I’m not too keen on bathing and personal hygiene
6I like to put my religiosity on display (whether it’s genuine or not)
7My mouth never stops - I even mutter to myself when alone
8I like to tell tall tales about bring a prince in exile, hero, or a powerful spellcaster
Ideal (roll d6)

1Friendship. Companions on the road are life’s true treasure. (Good)
2Family. I wander until I find people with whom I belong. (Lawful)
3Fortune. One day, my travels will bring me great wealth or luck. (Any)
4Freedom. I will never trade comfort, status, or wealth for life on the open road. (Chaotic)
5Force. On the road, only the strong survive. (Evil)
6Fate. I may settle for a while and form attachments, but when the wind changes or my star rises, I move on. (Neutral)
Bond (roll d6)

1My family members were taken captive or enslaved. I wander the world until I find them and free them.
2I’m sought by powerful people who accuse me of a crime, or to whom I owe money.
3I’m searching for a mystical place, buried treasure, or a wondrous creature.
4I’m on the road searching for God.
5I’m driven to collect and tell as many stories as I can.
6I have a secret identity that I keep hidden from all but my closest companions.
Flaw (roll d6)

1Who am I? Well, let me start at the beginning…
2Sure, it’s dangerous – but think of what we might find there!
3If it were really theirs, they would have taken better care of it.
4Help me! I have been dealt such a miserable hand! Look in your heart!
5No, you can’t leave – you are just going to have to be my friend for a little bit longer!
6I said I was going to be your friend forever - yesterday. But today, the wind has changed, and the road calls.

Tajir (Merchant).

You are a trader of rare or luxurious goods across a far-flung trade route that traverses many lands and climes. Perhaps you are also engaged in money lending and finance. Your ventures are risky, as your wares are always subject to seizure by bandits or unscrupulous rulers. They are also at risk of loss in a shipwreck, fire or other disaster. But the payoff in cases of success and excitement of a life of travel and adventure make it all worthwhile. You belong to a trading family or alliance (like the famous Karimi merchants that dominate trade in the Encircling Sea) that is scattered across many cities and towns, and that helps pool risk and provide you with aid when necessary. Its headquarters are probably located in a city that lies beyond the reach of powerful empires, where merchants like you control the government. When important changes occur in the world, your associates are often among the first to learn of them.

Ability Adjustments: +1 INT, +1 CHA
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, Persuasion
Languages and Tools: abacus, one language of your choice
Equipment: A set of travelers' clothes, an abacus, a writing set with paper, ink and quill, and a pouch with 25 dinars
Feature: Merchant network

You belong to a far-flung merchant network with affiliates in multiple cities. The network might be an ethnic or racial diaspora, a large extended family, a religious sect, or a confederation of guilds. Members of the network may shield you from enemies and local authorities, and would be willing to loan you money or enter into business partnerships on favorable terms. Note that locating new contacts in unfamiliar territory must be rolled (but with advantage).

Items of Trade:

Roll as many times as appropriate on the following table to determine the nature of your trade:

Roll d12

d12Type of Trade
3Wine, food or intoxicants
4Exotic woods or animal products (e.g. furs, ivory)
5Live animals
6Gems and stones
8Luxury handicrafts (e.g. glass, porcelain)
10Religious items
11Magic items
12Money-lending or banking

Sample Characteristics: 

Personality Traits (roll d8 twice)

d8Personality Trait
1I’m rude to people who lack my commitment to hard work and fair play
2I make every potential customer feel like she is the most important person in the world
3I don’t part with my money easily and will haggle tirelessly to get the best deal possible
4I like to talk at length about my trade, money, and markets
5I’m well known for my wares, and I want to be sure everyone appreciates them. I’m always taken aback when people haven’t heard of me
6I display my success through conspicuous consumption
7I give alms to all manner of charitable foundations to make sure my ventures come off successfully
8I like to regale people with stories about the exotic places I’ve been and the wonderful things I’ve seen
Ideal (roll d6)

1Aspiration. I work hard to be the best in my trade. (Neutral)
2Community. Without trust and mutual aid in my far-flung diaspora, I could not succeed at what I do. (Lawful)
3Generosity. My wealth was given to me so that I could use it for the benefit of people. (Good)
4Greed. I’m only in it for the money. (Evil)
5Freedom. Everyone should be free to pursue their own livelihood in whatever way suits them best. (Chaotic)
6Adventure. I like to travel widely, to meet different kinds of people, and to experience new things. (Any)
Bond (roll d6)

1A relative or associate of mine has gone missing somewhere on our trade route
2A competitor and I are engaged in a no-holds-barred trade war
3A powerful but ill-tempered person owes me money
4I have squandered my family’s money on high living, and have fallen into debt
5I have a paramour in every port or caravanserai I visit
6I have a map to a buried treasure horde (but others are seeking it too)
Flaw (roll d6)

1I work to make as much money as I can, but I don’t have time for the people around me
2I will do anything I can to get my hands on something rare and priceless
3I’m successful enough to be very frank with my opinions, even if it means offending important people
4I spend much of my wealth ensuring that everyone who meets or visits me knows that I’m a successful person
5I’m very suspicious that everyone around is trying to cheat me or steal my trade secrets
6I would kill to have a noble title or a position at court

Talib (Madrassah Student).

The talibs are religious school students who are being trained to become imams and prayer leaders, jurists and judges, officials, and scholars of various kinds. You are trained in the Taweeth and the Traditions first and foremost, before tackling the work of various commentators and theologians, as well as the philosophy and other writings of. the ancients. Talibs also tend to be at the forefront of many revolutionary movements.

Ability Adjustments: +1 INT, +1 WIS
Skill Proficiencies: Literacy, Religion
Languages and Tools: Calligraphers' tools, two languages of your choice
Equipment: A set of scholarly robes, a copy of the Taweeth, a calligraphy set, and a pouch with 5 dinars
Feature: Font of Scripture

You have memorized a great deal of the the Taweeth and the Traditions. You can recite passages at will, either to make a salient point, to vow people with your erudition, or impress upon them your authority.

Sample Characteristics: 

Personality Traits (roll d8 twice)

d8Personality Trait
1I’m always asking questions and seeking deeper understanding, even if it leads me into trouble
2My day is structured around my studies, and I find comfort in routine
3I approach my teachers and elders with deep respect, always mindful of my place
4I believe knowledge has the power to change the world, and I pursue it with that in mind
5My faith guides every decision I make, and I strive to be a model of religious virtue
6I prefer the company of my books to the distractions of social gatherings
7I like to pepper my speech with foreign words and complicated ideas
8Many people speak without understanding, and need to be put in their place
Ideals (roll d6)

1Knowledge: The pursuit of knowledge is the highest calling, and I dedicate myself to it fully (Neutral)
2Piety: Everything I do is in service to my faith; it is the light that guides me (Good)
3Transcendence: The purpose of study is to ultimately merge with the Divine (Chaotic)
4Logic. Emotions must not cloud our logical thinking (Lawful)
5Change. The Taweeth and other writings contain the seeds of change which we must plant if we want to live in a virtuous world (Chaotic)
6Power. Knowledge is the path to power and domination (Evil)
Bonds (roll d6)

1My teacher is the most important person in my life, and I would do anything to honor them
2The madrasah where I study is my home and sanctuary; I will protect its reputation at all costs
3My family has sacrificed much for my education, and I must make them proud
4My bond with my faith is unbreakable, and I will never waver in its defense
5The friends I’ve made in my studies are like brothers to me; we support each other through all hardships
6I am aware of an ancient text that holds terrible secrets and must not fall into the wrong hands

Flaw (roll d6)

1I believe that my learning makes me superior to those less educated
2I can’t let go of a problem until I’ve solved it, even if it keeps me up all night
3I have little experience of the world outside my books, and think it must conform to what I've read
4I struggle to adapt to new ideas or challenges that don’t fit with what I’ve been taught
5I have become obsessed with a forbidden tome
6My ideas can only be considered pious with great difficulty

Foreign or unusual backgrounds:

Acolyte (could be appropriate to Nasabi scholars or Alfari attendants)

Ability Adjustments: +1 WIS, +1 CHA
Everything else as PHB

Nomad (see Kushti above)

Outlander (could be appropriate to tribal people living in Hyperborea or the Antipodes)

Ability Adjustments: +1 CON, +1 WIS
Everything else as PHB

Scholar-official (from the far Eastern realm of the Follower of the Stars)

+1 INT, +1 WIS
Rest available upon request

* - Literacy - a custom skill in the game. INT-based. You cannot assume your character can read well without a Literacy proficiency.

** - Basic Tools - includes gaming set, herbalists' tools, musical instrument, vehicles, carpenters' tools, woodworkers' tools, brewers' tools, cobblers' tools, cooks' utensils, leatherworkers' tools, weavers' tools, potter's tools, farmer's tools