This is the last of three posts setting up the Kadmeian Mysteries setting. Here, we detail the classes of the setting. Some will simply be reflavorings of existing classes, some will feature changed mechanics, while some will be entirely new inventions specific to the setting. Some 'traditional' classes have been omitted, as they do not (in my opinion) jibe with the Bronze Age theme. It is possible that in time, the list will become more filled out with more 'foreign' classes. New classes, subclasses, and features are outlined in green.
Artificer (Tekhnites)
Artificers are students (in reality or in spirit) of Hephaistos, the divine smith. The master has bequeathed all manner of useful skills onto his pupils, including smithing, carpentry, masonry, as well as numerous tools - saws, axes, chisels, trowels, and even glue. Tekhnites originate from a variety of stations, from craftspeople to slaves to princes and kings. Most are mortal and human, but there are artificers among the cyclops and other peoples as well. Their inventions make them highly desirable guests in many palatial cities, even if the artificers have a dark past and are fleeing from justice. Here artificers stay, inventing and promoting new trades, taking care of their hosts' defense, fulfilling their greatest desires, and erecting palaces and temples, until such a time as they are lured away by a rival, or they are charged (rightly or wrongly) with betraying their patron - it is quite rare for tekhnites to stay at a palace indefinitely. Even if most of the rumors about them are untrue, artificers guard their secrets closely, and are particularly sensitive to their theft by potential rivals, Jealousy can sometimes drives them to commit unspeakable acts, which in turns necessitates having to move on. However, many do eventually settle in the land of Myr - the original home of Haphaistos himself, and home of the Horizon Towers, wherein all knowledge is inscribed, and hidden doors to the realm of the gods is hidden. After a lifetime of toil and trouble, many artificers come to Myr to die, and are buried with all honors. Still, rumor has it that the best ones continue to live in their creations.
Starting equipment: a set of artisan tools
Artificer paths: Kadmeian artificers are notably different from those of other lands - they are perhaps the earliest varieties of their class anywhere in the world.
Glyptis (Sculptor). Sculptors specialize in the creation of automata, but these are not mere puppets with moving parts. Automata are imbued with spirit, and aside from the materials they are fashioned from, are not fundamentally different than living creatures endowed with life by the gods. One sculptor notably fell in love with a statue he created, and transformed it into a living, breathing woman that he subsequently married. Another automaton that served as an inspiration to others was an enormous bronze statue that guards the royal harbor in the Neheshyte capital, and drives off unwanted visitors by flinging huge boulders at their ships. It was created by Hephaistos himself, but it is so lifelike that people say it is not in fact a statue at all, but one of the last remaining people of the Age of Bronze.
Glyptis features:
Glyptis spells: the following count as artificer spells for you. They are always prepared, and don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
3rd: Puppet*, Unseen Servant
5th: Minor Golem**, Enlarge/Reduce
9th: Summon Lesser Demon, Tiny Servant
13th: Faithful Hound, Summon Construct
17th: Animate Objects, Golem**
* - UA spell
** - Lukomorye spell
Plastic Artist (3rd): You gain proficiency with sculptor's tools. By successfully matching or exceeding DC 15 with a tool check, you can create a serviceable likeness of a person. A result of 25 or higher makes the image scarily similar to the original. The amount of time it takes to create such an image depends on the medium used. You can create the image out of metal, but will need to have proficiency in smith's tools or jeweler's tools to do so. If you are already proficient in sculptors's tools, you may learn any other craft tool proficiency (e.g. smith's tools). Finally, you learn the Mending cantrip. If you already know it, you can learn any other cantrip.
Figurine of Wonder (3rd). You can fashion a miniature statue of an animal or other creature with a physical presence of which you have some knowledge. The cost of the figurine should be roughly 1 mina per intended CR of the creature. You may have as many figurines of wonder as you have infusions slots. After taking a long rest, you can activate a new figurine by using an action to speak a command word. You can activate an existing figurine in the same way. Doing so makes the figurine grow to a full-size creature of the type created. The maximum CR of such a creature equals half your artificer level (round down). Furthermore, it cannot have a flying or swimming speed, the multi-attack feature, or an Intelligence score higher than 5. By using a bonus action, you can order the creature to Attack, Dash, or Disengage, as well as to move in a certain direction. If the figurine isn't given an order, it will remain stationary, and use the Dodge action. You can use an action to change the creature back into figurine form. If the creature is reduced to 0 HP, it is rendered inert, in figurine form, and cannot be activated again until you finish a long rest. By casting a Mending cantrip on the creature (not the figurine), you can cause it to cure 2d6 HP. If you die, the creature permanently becomes a normal figurine (at least until it is triggered by another sculptor who makes it one of their infusion).
Versatile Figurine (5th). Your figurine can be a creature with a swim or fly speed, and may possess the Multiattack feature.
Enhanced Figurine (9th). The transformed creature now has an Intelligence that is equal to your artificer level (or, can be a creature that normally possesses this Intelligence score. It may now converse with you (including in a system of noises and gestures no one else understands). You can also give the creature stone or metallic skin (whereby it gains an AC bonus equal to your Proficiency Bonus). Lastly, when you use Mending to cure the creature, you restore 4d6 HP to it).
Binding (15th). You can cause a powerful spirit to become entrapped in a figurine. You must know its name, and spend at least 1 hour, and use materials worth 1 talent per creatures' CR in order to summon it. Once the creature has appeared, it must succeed on a Charisma saving throw against your spell save DC. A failure means the creature has become trapped in the figurine. The creature can attempt the save daily. For every failure, it accumulates one level of Exhaustion, If it has accumulate 6 levels of exhaustion, it will agree to any terms you set out for it. If the creature succeeds on its save, it will break free, and can attack you. If the deal offered by you is acceptable, it will agree prior to being forced to roll Charisma saves. a spirit that has agreed (or been forced to agree) to the deal now inhabits the figurine. Any magical powers it possesses can be used by the creature while it's inhabited by the spirit. Once the terms of the agreement have been fulfilled, the spirit is free to leave (and a badly negotiated deal means it can attack the sculptor if it so chooses).
Tektonas (Builder). Though they specialize in architecture, engineering, and masonry, builders are multi-skilled polymaths. Imhotep - son of Hephaistos, builder of the Horizon Towers and the greatest of Myrian sages, was in fact a tektonas. Builders are primarily sought after as builders of palaces and walls, but they are also fashioners of mazes, where valuable artifacts, hidden knowledge, or rapacious monsters can be concealed. As in the case of the Horizon Towers, their structures may in fact secrete portals to divine realms - at least ones that can be opened by those who understand the secret wisdom encoded within them. Builders are rumored to converse with the gods themselves, but those who have not fully mastered their art find themselves soaring to high, only to plunge back to earth on account of their hubris.
Tektonas features:
Tektonas spells: the following count as artificer spells for you. They are always prepared, and don't count against the number of artificer spells you prepare.
3rd: Arcane Weapon, Magnify Gravity***
5th: Locate Object, Spike Growth
9th: Galder's tower****, Magic Circle
13th: Fabricate, Private Sanctum
17th: Passwall, Wall of Stone
* - UA spell*** - Wildemont spell**** - Lost Apparatus of Kwalish spellBreaking the Ground (3rd). You learn the Mold Earth cantrip, and you can cause more than two of the non-instantaneous effects to be active simultaneously. If you already know it, you can learn a different cantrip (the augmented features still apply).Opener of Ways (3rd). Your acumen for getting around in complicated structures is unrivaled. You can add double your proficiency bonus to Intelligence rolls used to identify the origin of stonework, to locate hidden portals/secret doors, and to know which way North is.Memory Palace (3rd). You can call up a mental structure which you use to organize information and trigger memories. If you take a short rest meditating within such a structure, you can recover artificer spell slots equal to half your artificer level (rounded up). You cannot enter the memory palace more than once before having to finish a long rest. When you emerge from the palace, you are also able to exactly recall something you have heard or seen within the past month.Kivotos (5th). You can use an infusion to create a box that, upon a command that requires an Action to utter, expands into a Folding Boat, albeit one that can comfortably hold 1 person per each artificer level you have attained. The box can also expand into a cart having the same capacity. The raw materials for the box cost a minimum of five minae. Lastly, an untransformed box can also carry a small statuette of a god. If the statue has had its mouth opened by a priest (i.e. has been opened to house a divine spirit), it can, upon the use of a command word that takes an action to utter, either cause 4d6 radiant damage to all designated creatures within 30 feet, or affect them with a Bestow Curse spell. Once having done so, the kivotos cannot be used in the same way again until the tektonas finishes a long rest.Armored chariot (9th). The Kivotos can be turned into a weapon of war. When used in cart form, it acquires 18 AC, and 100 HP, and a speed of 15 feet/round (it can move under its own power). If you are operating the chariot, you can use a bonus action to retract a mechanical claw As a bonus action, you can cause it to retract a claw that rolls one attack, modified by your proficiency bonus and INT modifier, causing 4d6 bludgeoning damage if it hits, and requiring the target to succeed against your spell save DC, or become grappled. A grappled target continues taking the same damage until they have freed themselves. An additional attachment is a ram that can cause the the same damage to a structure (like a gate or a wall).Horizon (15th). If inside a building of your construction or one that you have magically summoned, you can cast a Gate spell. Once you have done so, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. For each additional time you use this feature within a week of the previous opening, there is a cumulative 10% chance that an extraplanar creature will be step through the gate.
Bard (Rhapsodos)
The singing and poetic art is passed down by the Muses, and only those who they have touched can expect to make it as a Rhapsodos. Bards must not only be able to play a musical instrument and to sing, but also to memorize a colossal amount of material before they can effectively entertain or improvise. Many rhapsodoi begin as itinerant craftspeople who travel from city to city, palace to palace, and island to island in the Yaynic Sea. Finding a master to train someone as a bard is rarely a matter of simple choice. Most bards in fact originate from bardic families. Some islands are especially famous for their rhapsodic tradition. Receiving formal training is not necessarily required, since entry into the profession is possible by winning a certamen - a musical and poetic contest held at funerary games or some other large social gathering. The winner of such a contest is granted their own lyre or a laurel staff, which represents poetic authority. The most select rhapsodos are born to their calling as scions of gods or other divine personages.
Rhapsodic paths:
Epoeos (Valor Bard). The epoeoi are Kadmeian epic poets. The subject matter of their poetry are the exploits of martial heroes - the key characters of the Age of Heroes, and the reigning aristocracy. Epoeoi sing wars, battles, personal exploits of strength, skill, and bravery. Though some prefer to rely on their wits and to retain their freedom as itinerant poets, others attach themselves to a particular hero as a chronicler of their exploits. A few are servitors or slaves, whose masters discover their talent after purchasing them. Others still look for groups of heroes to join on an epic journey to faraway lands.
Didaktikos (Lore Bard). Unlike the epoeoi, these rhapsodists focus on teaching moral and historical lessons. The notion of the Age of Heroes was in fact invented by a didaktikos. Far from slavishly extolling heroic exploits, these bards are often critics of aristocratic virtues and the hubris that drives them. Often, they praise the simple life of farmers and shepherds, and champion pious lives. Though less popular with the public, they focus on making a mark with a few key pupils who will pass down traditions. Their songs are often investigations of origins (e.g. the origin of the human species), or explanations of how the world came to be the way it is (e.g. the Titanomachy). They join expeditions out of a desire to serve as moral guides (though some are exiles who have fallen afoul of some great personage).
Tragoidos (Glamor Bard). Literally, 'goat singer', because the poet was likely initiated into the Orphic Mysteries - a cult associated with Dionysus and his entourage of satyrs (hence, the 'goat'). As initiates into the mysteries, the 'tragedians' often convey poetry that illustrates ecstatic and near-death experiences. The subject matter is more difficult for a lay person to understand in comparison to the narratives of the epic or didactic bards, but their skill is such that they are said to be able to charm anyone, including monsters that are themselves adept at charming people (e.g. sirens). The tragedians typically join other adventurers because they are on a personal mission or journey of self-discovery (which may involve traveling to Hades and beyond).
Hymnodos (Hymnist). The hymnists are most typically poets who have either served as priests, or have a special relationship to a god or some other immortal. The subject matter of their poetry is extolling divine virtues or making prophetic utterances. Though most hymnists are attached to shrines, some enter the service of pious rulers or heroes. Others leave home because a voice directed them to establish a new community of mortal servitors or a temple.
Divine Charisma: At third level, you learn two of three cantrips: Thaumaturgy, Word of Radiance, and Toll the Dead. Additionally, you learn the Bless spell, which now counts as a bard spell for you. You learn additional spells at higher levels: Prayer of Healing at 5th, Remove Curse at 7th, and Divination at 9th.
Channel Divinity: At third level, you may select one type of Channel Divinity (likely related to your deity's domain). After you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you have taken a short or long rest. At 6th level, you may use this feature twice between rests, and at 14th - three times.
Divine Inspiration: at 6th level, when you grant an ally bardic inspiration, they may also heal HP equal to the number rolled when they use the inspiration. Additionally, both you and the recipient are granted a quick (if not entirely clear) vision. The precise nature of the vision depends on the nature of the deity and the situation, but it is roughly equivalent to Augury (or the Glimpse of the Future feature from Lukomorye).
Chorus: The sounds of your voice and instrument are echoed by the divine host. You may grant bardic inspiration to multiple people simultaneously. However, you must concentrate on the effect. If concentration is broken, all of the remaining uses of bardic inspiration are lost until the end of your next rest.
Eroas (Hero)
Heroes are born as much as they are made. In the Kadmeian mysteries, the designation bears its original meaning - a person of extraordinary strength and bravery, and of divine descent. While not all heroes are literally demigods, they are all no more than a couple of generations removed from a divine progenitor. Heroes define the current age, which, although it is no less bloody than the Age of Bronze that preceded it, is nevertheless more noble, because the heroes, unlike the great conquerors of the past, recognize the disjuncture between them and the gods, and the tragic nature of their endeavors (or so the bards sing). Heroes excel at martial pursuits, and lay the foundations for military aristocratic rule, but their power arises in great part from their blood, rather than just training, as for the polemistes. Blood also limits heroes to certain races - they are exemplars of humanity (though a few are ophiogeneis). Despite their great physical prowess, heroes do not, generally speaking, possess any magical power (perhaps to underline their distinction from the gods, and their differentiation from those initiated into the mysteries. It is perhaps on account of their power coupled with their incommensurability with the gods that the greatest heroes are granted immortality after death, and taken to live in eternal bliss on the Isles of the Blessed. They are born to fulfill a certain fate, like the foundation of a city or the vanquishing of a foe. Their fate cuts across social hierarchies and institutions. Powerful forces watch for heroic births and seek to destroy heroes in infancy, and for this reason, many are raised away from their (often royal) parents, in the households of simple people, or perhaps nymphs, until they reach adulthood. Many are not aware of their fate for most of their life, but are driven blindly on by their patron deity, or by other powerful forces.
Starting equipment: strange trinket having to do with the mystery of their birth
[Eroas features: The hero are best described as possessing certain affinities to both paladins and barbarians. It is a custom class for the setting, but it is built on the foundation of the bogatyr class in Lukomorye.
Weapon/Armor Proficiencies: All armor, shields, accessories and weapons
Tools and Languages: none
Saving Throws: STR, CHA
Skills: Choose two from among Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Religion, Survival
Arete (1st): You are driven to demonstrate your excellence and heroic prowess, and your divine ancestor walks with you at such times. By using a bonus action, you can call upon his or her energy, and increase your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution or Charisma score by 1d4 +1 points for a full minute. Note that this increase does not limit your ability score to 20. You may do so once before having to take a long rest. You gain extra uses of this feature at 3rd, 7th, 11th and 17th level. Note that the increases can be concurrent. In addition, with each feature improvement, the die rolled improves as well, i.e. +1d6+1 at 3rd, +1d8+1 at 7th, +1d10+1 at 11th, and +1d12+1 at 17th.
Heroic Ancestry (1st): You may select Amazon, Myrmidon, or Spartoi ancestry (see below).
Brave (2nd): You are immune to being frightened, magically or otherwise. If you do willingly retreat or flee from a battle, you lose your Arete ability until you finish a long rest.
Compel Duel (2nd): You are able to goad an opponent into a duel, as if you were casting a spell of the same name. You may do so once for every point of Charisma modifier you possess (minimum of one time) before having to take a long rest.
Katorthoma (6th): While under the effects of Arete, any critical hit you score does an additional die of damage. You also have advantage on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks, and can carry, push, drag, or lift twice your normal allowed limit. Long and high jump limits are similarly doubled, and your speed increases by 10 feet/round. This effect persists for nine additional minutes after the Arete effect ends.
Igesia (9th): While under the affects of Arete, you and any ally within 30 feet gain 2d8 temporary HP, plus one for each of your eroas levels. All your allies within the area of effect have advantage on any fear saves or morale checks. Once you have used this feature, you may not do so again until you have taken a long rest.
Epignose (10th): You may use a bonus action to learn a specific feature of an opponent within 60 feet of you. This can include an immunity, resistance, special attack, legendary action, etc. You gain a permanent +1 to all saves against the use of a divined attack by that particular creature.
Divine Guidance (14th): When you miss an attack or fail a save, your divine ancestor or patron directs your weapon, or shields you from harm. Before the results are announced, you may make another attack or save, but you must accept the result. You cannot use this feature again until finishing a long rest.
Heroic defense (15th): when an ally within 10 feet is attacked, you can use your reaction to grant it an AC bonus, which equals your Charisma modifier (minimum +1). If the attack misses, you can make a melee weapon (or unarmed) attack against the original attacker, provided they are within the reach of your weapon. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum once), and regain all expended uses after finishing a long rest.
Eternal hero (20th): Your Strength and Charisma scores permanently increase by 1d4+1, and can exceed 20.
Heroic Ancestry:
Amazon. Amazons are warrior women who live in settlements from which adult males are excluded. Curiously, their first queen was the daughter of Ares, the male god of war. Amazons do seek males living outside their communities, and conceive children through them, but any male children born from such a union are either killed or returned to their fathers. Despite their divine ancestry, Amazons trace their descent matrilineally, and in general, live lives free of men's interference, seeking in all ways to show their superiority to men and male-dominated kingdoms. Most Amazons hail from the northern lands of the Chymerae. The expanses of flat land in those regions are populated by wild horses, which Amazons have tamed and learned to utilize for both travel and war. As riders, they have no peer in the known world, and their skill at mounted combat and mounted archery are likewise unmatched. In recent times, Amazons have begun to expand southward, and have founded several maritime colonies in Kadmeia and adjoining lands, quite possibly as a counter to the appearance of male heroes, seeking to make trophies of them, in their homeland. The colonies are typically formed around a temple, most commonly dedicated to Artemis or Athena. Thus, unlike most other heroes, Amazons usually grow up, recognized, among their own kind. They may be sent away from home on a special mission (such as founding a new colony), though it is possible that they grow up among strangers because they were taken hostage by an enemy of their clan. They have a deep-rooted rivalry with centaurs, and tend to disdain satyrs as well.
Amazon features:
Equestrian (1st level): even young Amazons are masterful riders. They make DEX checks to avoid falling off their mount with advantage. If they do fall, they land on their feet if the fall was less than 10 feet, and they are not incapacitated or prone. Lastly, mounting and dismounting costs Amazons 5 feet of movement, not half their move. While mounted, and using a spear or similar weapon one handed, Amazons may roll damage as if they were using it two-handed.
Horse Whisperer (1st level): Amazons have the ability to speak with and understand their mount (as Speak With Animals, at will, provided they have spent one full day with the mount. They make any Animal Handling checks with respect to any horse with advantage. You also speak the language of Chymerae.
Virtuoso Rider (3rd level): Amazons may now mount or dismount their steed as a bonus action. The following actions may also be performed while mounted, provided Amazons are not wearing heavy armor.
- Mounted archery: Amazons may fire regular-sized bows from horseback without disadvantage, or risk of fall;
- Play a musical instrument;
- Dodge;
- Grapple;
- Ride standing up (one action, normal DEX check required; after having stood up, Amazons can use a bonus action to leap onto another's horse (DC 15 Acrobatics check, with normal Equestrian advantage);
- Hang onto horse's back while swinging underneath it (DC 15 Athletics check, gives 3/4 cover);
- Encourage the mount to increase movement speed by 5 feet for the next five minutes
Charger (7th): if mounted and moving at least 20 feet toward the target, you may roll double the normal damage dice if using a spear or similar weapon. An opponent who is hit in this fashion must make a STR save (DC 8 + your STR modifier + your Proficiency bonus), or be knocked 5 feet away, and become prone. Additionally, your mount may now use an Attack action (in addition to Dash, Disengage and Dodge, as usual).
Slayer of men (13th): you may add your Charisma modifier to the damage meted out to any recognizably male opponent (minimum 1 point of damage).
Favored by the gods (18th): when called on to make a WIS or INT save, the Amazon may choose to make it a CHA save instead.
Myrmidon. The origins of the Myrmidons are on an island that was targeted by Hera, because it was the site of one of her husband's egregious infidelities. The Queen of the Gods exterminated all the people on the island, but its king prayed to Zeus to repopulate it, to give him a people to rule over. Zeus transformed the island's ants into humans. Other tales have Zeus transforming into an ant in order to have intercourse with the island's queen. In either case, Myrmidons owe their existence to Zeus. They grew up industrious, resolute, and frugal. When the princes of the island migrated, they took their contingent of Myrmidons with them, resulting in several colonies of Myrmidons. As they spread throughout the land, word of their their loyalty and teamwork spread far and wide, and they became known as the most feared warriors in all of Kadmeia. This reputation made the Myrmidons targeted people, because upon one's birth, seers often declared them to be greater than a particular hero, king, or even god. As a result, mothers have to secrete them away until they come of age - an episode the Myrmidons would later rather have everyone forget, because it usually involved disguising them as common people and non-combatants. When they return to the world, they want their identity as Myrmidons universally recognized, so they wear identifying marks (most commonly, black armor, though if they survive to become famous, they augment it with gold and other inlays).
Myrmidon features:
Resourceful (1st): you start with an additional skill proficiency and an additional tool proficiency. You can add your proficiency bonus when using improvised weapons, and can use an object as an improvised shield (+1 to AC).
Rugged (1st): You double the normal amount of time you can go without food or water. You make rolls to avoid Exhaustion due to cold or heat, or making a forced march, with advantage. Finally, you may add 1 HP to each of your hit dice.
Army tactics (3rd): When an ally is within 5 feet of you, you gain advantage on attacks. You can also use a bonus action to Help an ally within five feet of you.
Battle-hardened (7th): Your training has made it more difficult to wound you. Your natural AC increases by 1, and you become proficient in CON saving throws.
Relentless (13th): Once per round, you may use a reaction to shrug off an opponent's attack. If your modified CON roll exceeds an attacker's modified attack roll, you take no damage from that attack.
Nearly Invulnerable (18th). You can negate the effects of a critical hit (though it is downgraded to a normal hit). Once you do so, you cannot do it again until finishing a long rest.
Spartos. Shortly after arriving in the new land, Kadmos was directed to a spring where a serpent sacred to the god Ares made its home. Kadmos slew the monster and was advised by Athena to sow its teeth in the earth. From these teeth, fierce warriors sprung up, and would have killed Kadmos had he not been able to sow discord among them, and caused them to fight one another. Nevertheless, five survived, and became ancestors of the new Kadmeian aristocracy. A similar experiment (with the teeth of other dragons) was repeated elsewhere, and with a similar result, so Spartoi (literally, 'sown people') are reasonably widespread. Moreover, it seems that Kadmos himself, and other serpent-slaying heroes, probably had some serpentine ancestry, which is what made them uniquely effective slayers. Indeed Kadmos seems to have transformed into a serpent later in life - some say as atonement for slaying the Ismenian dragon, but others contend that the transformation was merely Kadmos becoming what he was born to be. Aside from their aptitude for slaying serpents, the Spartoi share a certain serpentine charisma, that not only makes them spellbinding leaders, but also remarkably effective at making romantic conquests. Perhaps for this reason, but likely also on account of having fallen afoul of Ares, Spartoi are frequently at odds with Amazons. Given their remarkable success, they appear to be most gods' favorites, yet some of the wise suggest that their ancestry hides a plot set in motion by Echidna and Typhon to re-enthrone the Titans.
Spartos features
Snake whisperer (1st): You can speak with snakes, reptiles, and serpents of various kinds as if you possessed the Speak with Animals spell with respect to these creatures. You also make animal handling checks with respect to such creatures at advantage. When in combat against reptiles, serpents, or similar creatures, you can add your proficiency bonus when you deal damage to them. You can also cast the Friends cantrip at will.
Serpent ancestry (1st): You have resistance to poison, and make any poison saves with advantage. You can also make saves against any mental attacks by a reptilian creature at advantage.
Serpentine charisma (3rd): You have developed an immunity to snake venom and similar toxins (you still only have resistance to other forms of poison). You now have also acquired fire resistance. Finally, you can cast Suggestion. You must take a long rest before being able to do so again.
Fearsome (7th): You have mastered maneuvers to inspire fear in your opponents. You may use a bonus action to grapple an opponent. A grappled opponent is restrained, and can be attacked with advantage. You can also cast the Fear spell, but must take a long rest before being able to do so again.
Unswayable (13th). You make saves against any mind-controlling magic with advantage.
Metamorphosis (17th). You can transform into a creature with a humanoid torso and a snake-like trunk. You have human-like hands that allow you to use weapons and shields, a natural AC of 15, and a slithering move of 40 feet/round. You keep your normal HP, but the act of transformation allows you to cure 1d6 HP per each level of hero you possess. You can also breath a 15 foot cone of fire from your mouth, dealing 1d8 fire damage for each of your levels. You cannot use this weapon again until you have taken a long rest. You also cannot transform back until you have taken a long rest. Transforming back does not allow you to cure any sustained damage.
Fighter (Polemistes)
Kadmeia, unlike the more established kingdoms that lie to its southeast across the Yaynic Sea, is a highly militarized society that is ruled by a warlike aristocracy. Military exploits are the surest path to glory, and even though the the eupatridae claim divine or immortal descent, Kadmeian kingdoms are quite young, and the social order is quite fluid. An enterprising warrior who displays prowess on the battlefield and makes successful decisions regarding political and marital alliances has more chances to improve their station than a member of virtually any other class. Athletics is another venue in which polemistes are expected to excel, and a successful performance in pankration, chariot-racing, or other events featured at funerary games can also provide an outlet to upward advancement. Ultimately, the goal of polemistes who have achieved high status is to establish their own oikos, to sit on an assembly, or to become a royal official.
Starting equipment: one martial weapon
Epetas (Champion). Epetas literally means 'follower' - a reference to the 'companions' of a hero or king, bound to the latter by personal bonds of loyalty. Champions follow the leader into battle, form his honor guard, and if called upon, engage in one-on-one combat against opposing champions when full-scale battle is impractical or undesirable. In exchange, they receive the right to establish their own domains, to attend the agora and engage in political deliberation, and to feast at their prince's table. When not following their prince, champions engage in raids against their neighbors (or faraway lands), trade, administering local justice, or entertaining their own followers. Followers who were born into a high station tend to be adept at chariotry.
Epikoi (Battle Master). The epikoi tend to be of lower birth than the epetas. They are typically recruited from villages by a representative of a king or hero. Most serve for the duration of hostilities, but as long as support continues to be offered, some stay on in the military service indefinitely. Most epikoi start out as sentries, guards, or auxiliary forces, with poorer armor and weapons. As honor and glory are initially less important to them, they learn improvisation tactics that focus on winning at any cost. Successful epikoi are noticed by their betters and given higher positions within a king's army. Marrying into the clan of a follower, or receiving a land grant is not easy, as the latter defend their blood privilege, but ultimately, it is the goal of most ambitious epikoi. Though the way into the elite of the well-born may be closed, advancement as a royal official may be feasible (especially given that kings frequently distrust aristocrats, whose family obligations can outweigh their loyalty to the leader, while social climbers who owe the king everything are easier to control.
Kouretes (Eldritch Knight). The Kouretes are a Neheshyte secret society of warriors of warriors who venerate Rhea, Titaness and mother of Zeus. Their counterparts in Sfarda are known as the Korybantes, who worship the same deity under the name of Kubela. Both recruit warriors (latterly, among the Kadmeians as well) to join their confraternity. The worship of the goddess involves ascending a mountain top (hence, their name) and dancing in full armor to a pounding drum. As the dancers attain an ecstatic state, they open themselves to magical energies. It is said that the mysteries of the confraternity have to do with reconciliation between Zeus and Kronos (the beating of their shields with weapons is meant to obscure the crying infant Zeus from his cannibalistic father). True or not, the Kouretes hide their secrets from others, and those that return from abroad take up places in regular units (generally, of epikoi), though they return to their cultic site regularly. Some kings are aware of their existence, and do occasionally utilize units of kouretes for particularly dangerous and tricky missions. It is said that the agyrtes 'beggar priests' (on whom see below, under rogue) actually belong to the same cult, and pursue its goals by other means.
[Changes to the Eldritch Knight Archetype:
1. As their powers are derived from ecstatic dance rather than scholarly study, kouretes draw their spells from the Sorcerer list, not the Wizard list. Charisma, not Intelligence, is their casting ability.
2. At levels when their choice of spells is limited by school, they may add Divination as a focus school (along with Evocation and Abjuration). Furthermore, they may select Divination spells from any class list so long as they have access to sufficiently high level spell slots.]
Fool (Trelos)
Fools, halfwits, jokers, madmen and madwomen are typically outcasts, not unlike the atimos (see Rogue below). Unlike the latter, they are not necessarily charged with specific crimes, but simply live on the outskirts of the established social order. They are hidden (as much as possible) by families, who are shamed by this relationship. Or they live in the wilderness - in woods, on mountaintops, or on desolate islands in the Yaynic Sea. The treloi are typically shunned, and regarded as those punished by fate - those the gods would destroy they first drive mad. They are thus the antitheses of the eroas - not the heroic exemplars for people to emulate, but the benighted Last Men, born or living without reason. And yet, some treloi do have divine benefactors. Foremost among these is Dionysus - the patron of drunks, the god forever stuck between being a boy and a man, the god of promise who died but was reborn. Older animalistic deities associated with satyrs - Pan and Silenos - are also patrons, especially since they have become Dionysus' followers. Existing between human and animal, these gods encourage treloi to transgress these boundaries as well (many of them dream of transforming into animals, which they think have an easier lot in life). Through his daughters, the Graces, the treloi partake of his fortune. But through the agency of Atë, goddess of madness, Lyssa, the goddess of rage, and Eris - the goddess of disharmony - the thoughtlessness, drunkenness and hubris of the trelos turns against them, likely at Hera's behest. But a few persist, shaking the foundations of the gods' order to the core. Several times a year, they come out and gather openly - most importantly, on the feasts of Anabasis in the spring and Kronia at the start of winter they run through the streets, openly engage in metamorphoses, and attempt to appropriate the leading roles in society. Rulers of all kinds fear that one day, they will succeed.
Starting equipment: Roll 1d6 (or select one item from the list below)
- Garish outfit
- Cheap object you are convinced is magical
- Bag of useless items
- Toy (doll, rattle, etc.)
- Book or scroll you cannot read
- Improvised weapon/armor (clay pot, broom, etc.)
[Fool Features: the Fool is a custom class taken from Lukomorye. Consult pages 89-96 here, as it would take too much space to reproduce it here. The paths open to fools in Kadmeian mysteries are unique, and are detailed below. There are also two minor change to the base class:
Treloi do not have proficiency in heavy overcoats (they are more likely to wander around naked)
Treloi add their proficiency bonus on any CON check or save involving the consumption of alcohol
Not mechanical changes, but the 'Idiot Savant' feature is renamed "Epiphany", while Guardian Spirit is termed "Guardian Daimon"
Fool Throngs (plethoi):
Koalemos (Blockhead). Koalemos was initially a god of stupidity who subsequently bequeathed his name to fools in general, and to this particular plethos as well. Koalemoi are known as 'natural fools' - according to the authorities, they are deficient in faculties, and serve as a warning to others to play their assigned role in life. Nevertheless, they have their own agenda - to enjoy themselves as much as possible in a wicked and unjust world, to do little work, to drink wine, to play music, to have sex, and to laugh. As followers of Pan and Silenos, blockheads have convinced themselves that striving to turn themselves into an animal is perhaps their greatest pursuit - animals don't have to work, some are very strong, some can fly, and none are silenced by kings and priests. The natural fools follow Dionysian processions hoping to learn the tricks required to achieve metamorphoses, while others simply seek to drink from special springs which are reputed to have magical powers. Others still try to attain the same effects through bestiality. A few may have inherited such abilities from non-human or divine ancestors, or were simply granted them by a god for no discernible reason. Attaining metamorphoses is not without dangers, as many fools were trapped in animal form (or sported animal features) for extended periods of time, or even forever.
Koalemos features:
Metamorphosis (3rd): You may spend an action to transform into any animal without a swim or fly speed that does not exceed CR 1/4. While in animal form, you retain your non-physical attributes (INT, WIS, CHA) but do gain the skills and features of the animal in question (unless your own score in these skills is greater). You cannot speak or cast spells, but you can use Fool's Hope and all other class features except Fool's Gift. Any spells you've already cast remain in effect, and metamorphosis does not break your concentration. You can stay metamorphosed for a number of hours equal to half your fool level (rounded down). When you transform back into your normal form, you can use a spell slot to heal 1d8 damage per slot level. You can choose whether your carried and worn possessions transform with you, or fall to the ground as you metamorphose. At third level, you may use this feature once, and cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. Finally, if you use any Fool's Hope feature that triggers Madness and Paradox effects while you are transformed, roll on the following table to determine the effects:
modified d20 roll 2 - 10: you retain a feature of the animal you transformed into until you finish a long rest; Remove Curse can remove the effects
modified d20 roll 11 - 15: you retain the features of the animal you transformed into for 1d8 days; Greater Restoration can remove the effects
modified d20 roll 16 - 20: you retain the animal form for 1d8 days (you cannot change back, or use spell slots to heal any damage sustained); Heal can remove the effects
modified d20 roll 21 - 25: you retain the animal form for 1d8 days as above. When you change back into your normal form, your sex changes; Wish can remove the effects
modified d20 roll 26 and over: you are stuck in the beast form indefinitely. Short of divine intervention, this cannot be reversed.
You add 1 to your roll for every time you have used the Metamorphosis feature in since the last long rest.
Improved Metamorphosis (6th): Starting at 6th level, you can effect Metamorphosis twice between each long rest. You can also transform into beasts with swim and fly speeds. Finally, you can transform into beasts with a CR rating equal to your fool level divided by 3, rounded down. Your attacks also count as magical weapons.
Phonic Metamorphosis (10th): You can now retain your vocal powers in animal form, and cast spells. Using this form of Metamorphosis necessitates that you add 2 to every Madness and Paradox roll for each use.
Monstrous Metamorphosis (14th): You can now transform into any creature, whether beast or no. If the creature has non-standard actions (changing targets into stone, causing necrotic damage, breathing fire), you have access to these abilities (though CR limits still apply). If applicable, you can also use the creature's lair or legendary actions. This transformation makes you add 3 to every Madness and Paradox roll.
Eironas (Mocker). Where the koalemoi are 'natural fools', the Mockers are considered 'artifical fools' - dissemblers, jokers, and tricksters. The originator of this path was the god Momus, who has the dubious distinction of having been expelled from the Celestial Realm for the biting sarcasm he used when solicited to judge the other gods' handiwork. Momus has since wandered the world in search of someone who might have use for his services as a jester or official, typically with little success, as mortals were no more inclined to his humor than the gods. Along the way, he has recruited followers among all peoples and races. Though they may be dissemblers and 'wise fools', they are not necessarily less prone to bouts of madness than the koalemoi, given their constant play-acting and rejection by others. Like Momus their master, they can be self-centered and pleasure-loving. On occasion, the granter of the eironas' power is a different deity - most likely Hermes (who has some affinity for fools, having spent time raising the young Dionysus).
Eironas features:
At 3rd level, you become proficient in Acrobatics. If already proficient, you may choose any other Dexterity-based skill. In addition, you learn the Vicious Mockery cantrip. If you already know it, you may pick any other cantrip you do not already know. You may cast it either as a Bonus action or a Reaction. If the target fails the save, you may add your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) your their next Attack roll. Finally, when an opponent deals damage to you, you may perform a Comic Tumble. Whoever causes this damage must make a save against your spell-save DC, or lose their next action. Once you have used this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
At 6th level, the Mocker gains Truth to Power feature. This is the equivalent to a Dissonant Whispers spell, though in casting it, her speech is loud, clear, and direct. This power can be used multiple times between long rests, though each time it is used, a Luck point must be expended. For determining psychic damage, the Jester's Fool spell slot level is used.
At 10th level, when making a successful Vicious Mockery attack, the Jester may add the amount of damage delivered to their own HP total as Chairekakia. If this takes them over the HP maximum, they may record the excess as Temporary HP. Once they do this, they cannot attempt Schadenfreude again until they finish a short rest.
At 14th level, you become a Master of Physical Comedy. You gain advantage on one kind of saving throw, and gain resistance to one type of damage (e.g. fire, cold, etc.).
Finally, when rolling on the Madness and Paradox table, if a Madness result is indicated, there is a 50% chance that the actual result is a Fool's Curse. This means that whenever the Fool casts a spell, the actual spell cast is randomly determined from among the spells the Fool knows. The effect lasts as long as the Madness would last, and throughout this period, only that spell can be cast. If the modified result is between 21 and 25, there is a 50% chance that a random spell is cast every time the eironas touches something (duration is the same as the spell that would have otherwise affected the eironas).
Ranger (Peripolos)
For most mortals, wandering means straying, homelessness, and exile. Not so the gods: those who leave their celestial abode, and have no city they patronize are far from lost. Their wandering is purposive, even aggressive: to wreak destruction, seek vengeance, sow madness. Though their motives are often inscrutable, they appear to pursue transformation, by defining boundaries that only the select can transgress. Demeter sought to ender Hades and to transform the cosmos by creating a new divine ruler, Demophon. Dionysus, likewise, wanders to afflict followers and detractors alike with madness as a precursor to their initiation into his mysteries. Hermes dares his followers to search for him in the hidden interstices of the world. And similarly, Artemis conceals herself deep in the wilderness, allowing only those who dedicate themselves to her fully to follow her. Such followers become the peripoloi. They dedicate their life to imitating their divine paragon, walking beside them. Only few are suited to such a demanding life, as it demands rare physical and spiritual toughness. Some join special units patrolling stretches of land on the edge of the wilderness, but they do so less to defend human settlements, but rather to serve serve their divine masters, to be fully initiated into their mysteries.
Starting equipment: a bow and a quiver with a score of arrows
Paths of the peripoloi:
Kynigos (Hunter). Hunting is widespread as a leisure and training activity of the aristocracy, and a necessity among common people. But the greatest hunters are a breed apart. By accepting the tutelage of Artemis and other gods of the wilderness, they become aware of the interconnectedness of life, and maintaining Gaia in proper balance. They do not simply learn to kill effectively, but to know which animals to cull to keep the wilds pristine. Their most important quarry are creatures who disturb the balance (these can include serpents, escapees from Tartarus, and humans), and must in turn be culled to maintain it. Hunters who become obsessed with collecting trophies can meet a sad end. The same is true of those who abuse nymphs (or are believed to do so), or who are seen as becoming too intimate with the Lady of the Woods. The tale of Orion speaks to both dangers. Others met an even worse fate, finding themselves transformed into their quarry, and being torn apart by their own dogs. For this reason, kynigoi often take a vow of celibacy, to avoid unneeded temptations.
Potnia theron/posis theron (Beast Master). Rather than hunting, many peripoloi pledge themselves to Artemis to protect the areas where she hunts from predation. These rangers follow her in forming partnerships with animals. Not a few are in fact raised by beasts in the wild. Especially favored are animals that are sacred to the lady - deer, bear, boar, buzzards and partridges. In Neheshya, she also acts as the protector of snakes and serpents. Unlike hunters, the mistresses and masters of beasts tend to live in wild areas, and rather than venturing into the wilderness to bring down quarry, they venture into settled areas to settle scores with offenders. Aside from careless hunters and despoilers of the wilderness, these peripoloi also target abusers of women. For this reason (and because of their much closer affinity to the mistress, they tend to be overwhelmingly female (though eastern lands feature more males, and a greater affinity with felines). Mindful of their commitments, they are even more likely than hunters to remain chaste (it is likely that those who violate their vows will lose their powers, be transformed into an animal, etc.).
Hodios (Horizon Walker). Hodios is an epithet referring to Hermes, 'He of the road'. As patron of travelers, the god treads many paths, carrying messages from gods to mortals, and gods to their counterparts residing in other domains. Future followers hear the god's call to lead an itinerant lifestyle from a very young age. They flee from home, wander the roads, trade, and procure passage on shipboard, seeking to meet as many different types of people as possible. Along the way, the learn from those they meet, as well as from their patron, picking up skills that commoners may regard as wondrous or magical. They certainly learn all they can about gateways into other realms. These peripoloi assist the god in serving as guides to mortal seekers, but also protecting communities from threats that emerge from beyond - serpents, vengeful titans, rogue deities, and so on. They are particularly partial to travelers - merchants, pilgrims and vagabonds - as well as thieves of various kinds.
Erinys (Gloomstalker). If hunters and mistresses of beasts typically follow Artemis, and the hodioi - Hermes, the Erinyes are servitors of Demeter. As the distraught goddess seeks for ways to liberate her daughter from Hades, so do her servants search for ways to enter the underworld, to punish perceived evildoers associated with it, and perhaps even to overturn the cosmic order in which the ruling gods allowed what happened to Persephone to occur. In the role as 'avengers', these peripoloi are not to be confused with the Furies, who bear the same name, and who guard their role jealously. While the Erinyes who serve Demeter are particularly vigilant about seeking out entrances into the underworld and bringing down horrors that emerge from there, they can also be more home-oriented than other peripoloi, associated as they are with their mistress' agricultural cult. They also undertake to protect the priests and other associates of her mystery cult. For the latter reason, they tend to be most knowledgeable of hallucinogens than other peripoloi. It is suspected that a few of the erinyes are secretly in the service of Hades.
Rogue (Atimos)
The atimos are literally those without honor, or legal standing. They include those who have committed robbery, theft, murder, abduction, religious offenses (including temple robbery or denial of the gods), as well as those who have committed various sexual offenses (such as attempting to prostitute those of noble standing, being an accomplice or participant in doing so), and political exiles. The category also includes most foreigners (except foreign notables and merchants with markings making them recognizable as such), those marked with tattoos (except those making them recognizable as slaves of a particular master), and those without a recognizable gender. In other words, the atimos don't fall into any established social or legal category, and operate outside of any jurisdiction and recognized customs. Whether they engage in 'criminal' behavior is immaterial - they are recognized as beyond the bounds of society, and may technically be hunted down or driven off by anyone with recognizable authority. Given the fragmented character of Kadmeia's political system, grey areas do abound, and a fugitive from one kingdom might be welcomed in another. But the greatest of rogues might have kingdoms they call their own. Some would try to cheat the gods, and Death itself.
Starting equipment: 5d6 drachmae (which may be spent prior to play)
Paths of the atimos:
Kleftos (Thief). Thieves abound in the larger towns, particularly in and around ports, where they engage in theft, robbery, and burglary. Typically, they target the more vulnerable (visitors, recent migrants, foreign merchants without protection, etc.). Some are clustered around drinking establishments, houses of ill repute, whereas others pose as beggars. Most actually have day jobs (on the docks, performing other sorts of menial labor, seasonal work such as serving as a rower on board a ship, etc.). The few who are engaged in full-time criminal work are those who are in hiding or are wanted criminals who will not be hired by anyone else. Most thieves belong to family-type networks that are overseen by a patriarch (whether a de facto relative or not), which provides a measure of protection to those thieves who feel the heat of rulers or rival families. Loners and outsiders soon face the wrath of established gangs. Those without such protection can only rely on the patronage of Hermes.
Polytropos (Mastermind). The polytropos - a 'person of many devices' is a swindler, confidence artist, loan shark, and charlatan. Such people engage in various scams, including running dice and knucklebone games, selling or fencing counterfeit goods and phony magic items, passing themselves off as healers, priests or exorcists, and so on. Some start out as simple traders with a knack for placing a finger on scales in a marketplace, or bookies handling bets on chariot races. Others are simply trying to survive as sex workers, or outcasts who try to pass as someone of an opposite or established gender (who have not received the protection of Hermes' child Hermaphroditus for some reason). Like thieves, many poytropoi operate out of particular houses or establishments, but others have respectable work (e.g. officials who try to skim off the top, artisans or courtesans trying to supplement their income, etc.). They may belong to the same gangs, but just as often, serve as important intermediaries between rival gangs, gangs and officials and rulers, and so on.
Lestes (Bandit). These are atimos who operate in more rural areas. They typically hide out in forested areas, in mountaintop caves, or in seaside grottoes. From such bases, they engage in highway robbery, horse and cattle theft, and raids on villages or outposts (such as shrines). Most have turned to this life out of necessity, because they have been deprived of livelihood, or been driven into the wilderness. They depend on one another, and though more likely to resort to force than other atimos, they will rarely do so without foresight, because survival in the wilderness is hard enough without risking seriously bodily injury. Oftentimes, they have roots among the local populace, who provide them with supplies and information (and in turn depend on them for protection). Bandits tend to be a motley bunch - gangs often include non-humans (centaurs, cyclops, satyrs, etc.). When not stealing cattle, robbing travelers, or simply surviving, some of them search for buried treasure.
The Bandit subclass is detailed the the Players Guide to Lukomorye (pp. 111-112).
Agyrtes (Arcane Trickster). Some of the atimos are of non-human or divine descent. Particularly notable among these are descendants of Hermes - himself a trickster and master of disguise. Some of his children possess the ability to metamorphose into animal form, or to transform items into something else. Some of these become so-called 'beggar priests' (from which the name 'agyrtes' originates), purporting to practice medicine, exorcism, and fortune-telling. When not born under divine protection, such people frequently grow up as sexual dissidents, libertines, or lepers. For this reason, they are often shunned by other atimos, who fear their unusual talents. Those agyrtoi who are unable to make common cause with other rogues strike out on their own, often outside human settlements, where they surround themselves with monstrous henchmen. Others take to the road as wanderers or entertainers, surviving by their wits alone.
[Changes to the arcane trickster:
- They select their spells from any class' spell list;
- Charisma, not Intelligence, is their spellcasting ability;
- At levels when their choice of spells is limited, they may add Transmutation as a focus school]
Seer (Mantis)
The mantis is an interpreter of signs, and a channeler of divine will. Through the observation of flight patterns of birds (augury), the examination of entrails and especially, livers of sacrificial animals (hepatoscopy), analysis of dreams (oneiromancy) and other techniques, seers divine the will of the gods and provide guidance for mortals. Seers do not cast spells - or at least what they do is not interpreted as spell-casting. But by entering an altered psychic state they do make themselves vehicles of divine power in such a way as to effect the prophecies that were revealed to them (and then render them to their clients in prose or verse form). Since the gods are central figures in the founding of any city or kingdom, channeling and interpreting their will is not considered 'magic' (and is not perceived as being abnormal, deleterious, or criminal). A seer's prestige is built on the efficaciousness of their prophecies (and their success reflects on the efficaciousness of the god for whom they act as medium). But to make people, and particularly, influential people, seek out your services, you need to come from the right family, or the right place. The older established kingdoms of Nimmur, Myr, and others, have been developing manteia into a science, and have compiled texts of precedents and interpretations, so a seer hailing from those lands is likely to be taken more seriously. In addition, divine charisma seems to run through particular families, typically through the male line, and originating with a founder who received the sight from Apollo (less likely, Zeus, or other deities). Successful families of seers tend to claim foreign descent. Some came to Kadmeia to escape untenable situations, to have more freedom of action in a young country, and to find pathways to advancement. Scions of successful families are sought out as advisors to kings or military commanders, and compete for positions of top oracles in the land. Those who are less fortunate become itinerant prophets until a position at a shrine or palace opens up, but a successful record of divination can bring substantial wealth as a reward (some seers have even inherited portions of kingdoms for their services). Thereby, seers usually form part of an elite in any kingdom, and those without a name, but with a record of success can expect to rise quickly. Aside from possessing divine charisma, the qualification for becoming a seer is, usually, a lack of deformities (though the gods have been known to grant the power to prophesy to the blind, as compensation). and the performance of purification rituals. Though the gift usually passes down the male line, the top oracles in the land are always female (who typically must remain chaste while holding the office).
Starting equipment: sacrificial bowl and knife, incense box
[Seer features:
Hit Dice: d6
Weapon/Armor Proficiencies: Simple weapons, no armor
Tools and Languages: one language (any)
Saving Throws: WIS, CHA
Skills: Choose two from among History, Insight, Literacy, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion, and Religion
Trances (spells): use the same progression chart as cleric, but trances available differ, At first level, you have access to all divination spells (regardless of class list). You can prepare a number of spells equal to your seer level + your INT modifier. You can ritual cast, but you do not start with a focus. You also have the ritual caster feature. Finally, all Seers know Thaumaturgy and Ceremony.
Spellcasting ability: Charisma (but see below)
Features by level:
2 - Domain feature, Channel Divinity (1/rest)
3 - None
4 - ASI
5 - Diviner feature
6 - Channel Divinity (2/rest), Domain feature
7 - None
8 - ASI, Domain feature
9 - None
10 - Divine Intervention
11 - Diviner feature
12 - ASI
13 - None
14 - Diviner feature
15 - None
16 - ASI
17 - Domain feature
18 - Channel divinity (3/rest)
19 - ASI
20 - Divine intervention improvement
Diviner (1st): Your observation of signs, or a dream the previous night, has given you insight into ongoing events, and a measure of divine protection. As a reaction, you may burn a spell slot to make yourself, an ally or an enemy you can see within 60 feet to reroll a skill or tool check, an attack, or a saving throw. Once you have done so, you cannot do it again until you have finished a short or long rest. You gain additional uses of this feature at 5th, 11th, and 14th level. Second, you have the divine recovery feature. When you finish a short rest, you can recover a number of spell slots equal to half your level (rounded down). Finally, you start out having access to the Augury trance. If you cast it as a ritual, you can see two possible outcomes of actions taken by the querent. The cost of divination rituals through 4th level involve the price of the sacrificial animal and your bowl. If you can recite the outcome of the trance to your clients or fellow party members in verse form (or successfully roll a Performance check of DC 12, you gain a point of Inspiration if you do not currently have one. Once you have access to Divination, you can also see multiple outcomes for that trance as well (Performance check DC 14).
Divine Domain (1st). Your patron deity has several domains they preside over. Choose one of them. At first level, you get access to certain additional skills and all the trances in that domain. See the lists of domain trances below. Your deity imparts more of their domains to you at 2nd, 6th, 8th, and 17th level. Each domain has a form of channeling divinity associated with it. Note that summoning the god's animals is a free mini-domain for all.
Deities and Domains. (several deities have few domains - their Seers tend not to rise very far)
Aphrodite (Hathor/Astarte): Love (all enchantment spells), Life (healing spells), Sky, Sun,
Apollo (Horus: Music (Song of..., many bard spells), Sun, Healing (Life), Archery (Missile-related)
Ares (Anhur): War, Mania
Artemis (Bastet/Sekhmet/Kotharat): Hunt (missiles, things with weapon in the title), Moon, the Wild (plants), Beast (deer and boar are freebies, but she has many more animals at her disposal)
Athena (Neith/Anat): War (weapon, plus Abjuration - 2 domains), Crafts (Transmutation), Wisdom (Illusion)
Demeter (Isis): Plants, Life, Earth, Justice (Truth spells)
Dionysus (Dumuzi/Osiris): Wine (incl. poison and madness), Life, Plants (Wild), Death
Hades (Mot/Anubis): Death (necromancy), Monster summoning, Portals (to other planes), Chthonic
Hekate (Heqet/Ereshkigal): Portals, Moon, Death (necromancy), Witchcraft (conjuration)
Hephaistos (Ptah/Kothar): Craft (Transmutation), Earth, Fire, Authority (domination-type spells)
Hera (Hathor): Life, Protection (Abjuration), Order (Justice/Truth spells), Beast/monster summoning
Hermes (Thoth): Wisdom/Trickery (Illusion), Travel (portals), Tidings (Message and other transmutation-type information spells), Stealth/Disguise (Transmutation)
Hestia (Tabiti): Protection, Oikos (building-type conjuration) Life, Fire
Pan: Wine (poison/madness), Beasts, Plants, Music (song-type bard spells),
Poseidon (Yam/Set): Tempest (storm/lightning/earth), Water, Sea-Animals (sea, and horses), War (weapon-type)
Tykhe: Fortune, Abjuration (Protection)
Zeus (Ba'al/Amun): Tempest (storm/lightning), Sky (plus movement through air), Order (justice, truth-type spells), Kingship (command/domination)
Stalker (1st). Gain Expertise in Survival, proficiency in Martial missile weapons.
Improved Hunters' Mark (Channel Divinity) (2nd). Your marks do 1d8 additional damage, and apply to normal or magical missiles. You have advantage on saves to maintain concentration.
Peerless Archer (6th). Add +2 to your rolled missile attacks (to hit and damage).
Volley of Arrows (8th). You may make an additional attack with (non-spell) missile weapons against an unmarked foe.
Mistress/Master of the Hunt (14th). Any allies within 30 feet gain the benefits of your Improved Hunter's Mark for the duration (they do not have to roll concentration).
Animal Tamer (1st): Expertise in Animal Handling, Nature.
Beast Whisperer (Channel Divinity) (2nd). Combines effects of Animal Friendship and Speak with Animals. Lasts 1 hour. Save vs. Animal Friendship is at disadvantage.
Mighty Summoner (6th). Summoned beasts have +2 HP/die, attacks counted as magical
Beast Guardian (8th). Any summoned beast within 30 feet of you regains HP equal to half your Seer level (rounded down) if it ends its turn within 30 feet of you.
Faithful Summons (17th). If you are reduced to 0 HP or incapacitated against your will, you can immediately gain the benefits of Conjure Animals as if cast with a 9th-level slot. It summons beasts of your choice that are CR 2 or lower. The conjured beasts appear within 20 feet of you, and protect you from harm and attack. The effect lasts for 1 hour, requires no concentration, and can be ended by you at will (no action required). Once you use this feature, you cannot do it again until you finish a long rest.
Spelunker (1st). You have advantage on Survival and Animal Handling checks underground, and may converse with small subterranean beasts (as Speak with Animals at will).
Subterranean Guide (Channel Divinity) (2nd). for the next hour, you have 60 feet of Darkvision, can detect traps (as per spell) and have a +5 bonus on Passive Perception.
Underground Denizen (6th): When you effect the Subterranean Guide feature, you now have 120 feet of Darkvision that sees through magical darkness. You also have Blind Sight and Tremor Sense. While the effect lasts, you can also Spider Climb without fear of losing concentration.
Subterranean Summoner (8th): When you conjure chthonic beasts, they have +2 HP/die, and count as magical. The save against their poison, if any, is at -2.
Portal to Hades (17th). If you are at least 100 feet underground, you can open a Gate to Hades without a material component, or expending a spell slot. You cannot do so again until a week has passed.
Handy (1st). Expertise in one tool, and learn the Mending cantrip.
Artisan's Blessing (Channel Divinity) (2nd). As forge domain feature of the same name, but you can create items made of any material, and the maximum worth of the item cannot exceed 10 minae.
Create Servitor (6th). You can cast the Minor Golem spell. You can produce a creature of a different material, but for each +1 to AC, it has -1 to its HD. Casting Mending repairs 1d6 damage to the creature.
Superior Servitor (8th). Your golem can can add your proficiency bonus to its AC, saves and damage. Each Mending Spell cures 2d6 HP for it.
Create Guardian (17th). You can cast the Golem spell. Mending cures 3d6 HP for it (or any other creation).
As Grave Domain (sic), but instead of the 1st level healing feature, you can Detect Death by making an Insight roll (range 60', DC 10 for past week, DC 15 for past month, DC 20 for past year). Also, no bonus domain spells (except as indicated above).
Geomancer (1st): You learn Magic Stone and Mold Earth.
Rumbling Earth (Channel Divinity): You can cast Earth Tremor (save at Disadvantage, 20 foot range, damage = your maximum level spell slot xd6).
Sink into the Ground (6th). After using Rumbling Earth, creatures affected must repeat save, or begin to skink into the ground. Save every round, or sink one foot into the ground. First failed save, they are considered grappled, after three failed saves they are restrained, when they are wholly submerged, they are incapacitated and dying due to lack of air.
Gaia's Embrace (8th). If you are touching the ground, you can use an action to cure yourself 1d8 HP for each of your seer levels. Once you do this, you cannot do it again until you finish a long rest.
Earth Servitor (17th). You can conjure an Earth Elemental if you cast the spell. The elemental has +3 to its AC, HP/die, attack rolls, and damage. Unless dismissed, it stays until you finish a long rest. You do not have to make concentration rolls to maintain control of it.
Pyromancer (1st): You learn Control Flames and Create Bonfire.
Firethrower (Channel Divinity) (2nd). You can cast Burning Hands from any any fire you have previously summoned. There is no slot cost, but the damage to the target(s) is as if you used your highest-level slot. You can continue throwing fire for one round for each point of your proficiency bonus. The save is made at disadvantage.
Child of Fire (6th). You gain resistance to fire damage.
Secrets of the Flames (8th). If staring into a fire you have summoned, you can affect a Divination without slot cost or ritual expenditures. You can ask up to three questions without any negative effect. However, repeating a Divination before the end of your next long rest still has a chance of a random reading.
Fire Servitor (17th). You can conjure a Fire Elemental if you cast the spell. The elemental has +3 to its AC, HP/die, attack rolls, and damage. Unless dismissed, it stays until you finish a long rest. You do not have to make concentration rolls to maintain control of it.
Tyche's Gifts (1st). You learn the Guidance and True Strike cantrips. Note - True Strike takes temporal precedence over the Diviner feature.
Infectious Success (Channel Divinity) (2nd). For the next minute, you or an ally who has succeeded on a roll as a result of your actions (Diviner, True Strike, Help action, etc.) automatically makes their next roll with advantage.
Fortune's Lodestone (6th). While Infectious Success is in effect, any failed attack, check or save by an enemy can be transferred as a roll with advantage toward yourself or an ally.
Inspired Fortune (8th). If you or a creature score a natural 20 on a roll that is influenced by your domain features, that creature gains temporary HP equal to your level + Charisma modifier. The temporary HP last for one minute.
Weaver of Fate (17th). If a creature you can see dies (and you know it did), you can alter their fate by having them live (they will be conscious with 1 HP). Once you use this feature, you cannot do it again until you have finished a long rest (but the Moiras themselves may have other ideas).
As Life Domain, but instead of proficiency with heavy armor, you gain Expertise in Medicine. Also, no other 1st level features or bonus domain spells (except as indicated above).
Alluring (1st): Expertise in Persuasion, Friends cantrip
Love's Sanctuary (Channel Divinity) (2nd). You affect a Sanctuary spell, but the save is against your Charisma, and your Charisma modifier is doubled.
Love's Fool (6th). Saves against your enchantments are at disadvantage, and the duration is doubled (note: enchantments can be used to have the target fall in love with someone else).
Cold-hearted (8th). You have advantage against any Enchantment effects used against you, and if you fail the save, the duration is halved.
Love's Slave (17). Unrequited love causes pain. Anyone under the effect of your enchantment takes 1d10 psychic damage/round for effects lasting 1 minute, 1d10 damage per minute for effects lasting 10 minutes, 1d10 damage per 10 minutes for effects lasting 1 hour, 1d10 damage per hour for effects lasting 1 day, and so on, for as long as the love remains unrequited. The damage does not break the enchantment.
Threaten (1st). Expertise in Intimidation; Mind Sliver Cantrip.
Fury (Channel Divinity) (2nd): As Battle Fury Feat - Rage, but 1 level of Exhaustion afterwards.
Terrorize (6th). Enemies you designate within 30 feet must save vs. Fear when you are raging.
Unstoppable Fury (8th). When raging, you now resist all damage (except psychic), You no longer sustain Exhaustion when the fury is over.
Infectious Fury (17th). Any creature you designate within 30 feet will rage along with you if they fail a WIS save against your spell save DC. The targets may choose to fail the save. Those that become enraged are not subject to the Terrorize effect.
Servant of Selene (1st). You have expertise in Herbalist tools. You also learn the Light cantrip.
Endymion's Kiss (Channel Divinity) (2nd): You send 5d10 + 1d10/your seer level HP worth of creatures to sleep. You can target the creatures precisely, so that unwanted creatures don't fall asleep. The effect lasts 10 minutes, after which time the affected creatures must make a WIS save. They continue to make saves every 10 minutes until they awaken. Causing damage to the sleeping creature does not automatically awaken them - they must make a save to wake up.
Selene's Chariot (Channel Divinity) (6th). If there is a moon in the sky, you call down a Moonbeam that causes 3d10 damage each time it strikes a creature. The effect requires no concentration. If there is no moon in the sky, you call down a darkness that causes 3d10 psychic damage to any creature that starts its turn inside it.
Silver Sickle (8th). Any herbs you harvest by moonlight with a silver sickle can be brewed into potions with double the effect (e.g. curing damage, duration, or damage).
Lykaon's Curse (Channel Divinity) (17th). You target a humanoid creature. It must make a WIS save, or transform into a werewolf. The werewolf must attack the closest creature to them. It continues to make saves on its turn, for a full minute, or until it makes three saving throws. While the effect lasts, the creature sustains 4d10 psychic damage every turn. If the creature fails to make three saves within a minute, it stops taking psychic damage, but remains a werewolf that cannot change its form indefinitely. Only a Wish can remove this curse.
Musician (1st): Expertise in Performance and one Knowledge skill (History, Arcana, Religion)
Inspire (Channel Divinity) (2nd). All allies within 20 feet gain Bardic Inspiration (1d6).
Heroic Inspiration (6th). All under the effects of Inspiration (above) are also affected by Heroism spell (temp HP = Seer level + CHA modifier).
Restorative Inspiration (8th). All who had been under the effects of the Heroic Inspiration gain the effects of Song of Rest upon finishing their short rest. Bardic Inspiration bonus 1d8.
Lasting Inspiration (17th). All under the effects of Inspiration may use the inspiration once per round, for a maximum of 1 minute.
Keeper of the Hearth (1st): Expertise in cooking tools, Prestidigitation cantrip
Oikogeneia (Channel Divinity) (2nd): You touch a willing creature. For the next 10 minutes, you maintain a telepathic bond with it, being able to communicate with it, and perceiving what it perceives. You can cast spells that require you touch that creature from a distance, so long as you maintain the telepathic bond, and the creature remains on the same plane. For every 3 levels you possess (rounding down), you can touch bond with one additional creature, and extend the duration by 10 additional minutes.
House of Rest (6th). If you and companions spend a night in a structure you have summoned (e.g. Tiny Hut), you recover all your hit dice after a long rest (note: the rules variant we play with usually doesn't permit this).
Uncover Intruder (8th). You can detect creatures who have entered a structure in order to do harm to you or any other creature on which you have used Oikogeneia. If a creature enters a mundane or summoned structure where you are present with intent to do harm to you or any creature indicated above, it must make a WIS save, or its presence as a threat is revealed to you. If you cannot see the creature when it enters, you are aware of a threat's presence, but cannot identify it until you see it.
Temenos (17th). Any person in a palace or estate in which you have placed your mark becomes susceptible to oikogeneia without you having to touch anyone, but you do have to focus on a particular individual from that estate in order to form a telepathic bond with them. A creature that belongs to the estate can roll a save to resist the bond if it wishes. Any creature on the estate is eligible for benefits in a House of Rest. The effect lasts indefinitely, but if you ever place this mark in any other estate causes the earlier one to cease functioning.
As Order Domain, but instead of all the 1st level features, you get Expertise in Persuasion or Intimidation, and the Vicious Mockery cantrip (called Browbeat for you). Also, no other 1st level features or bonus domain spells (except as indicated above).
Prostasia (1st). You learn the Blade Ward and Resistance cantrips.
Asylum (Channel Divinity) (2nd). You must use an action to trigger the effect, but you are able to project Sanctuary within 60 feet. You can affect a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). You may add an additional creature for every three seer levels you possess (rounded down).
Aura of Protection (6th). Any friendly creature within 10 feet of you may add your Charisma modifier bonus (minimum 1) on any saving throw.
Augmented Aura of Protection (8th). A friendly creature within your aura can now add your Charisma modifier to its AC.
Retribution (17th). Any successful hit or effect against a creature protected by your Asylum results in the attacker sustaining double the amount of damage for the duration of the effect. The damage is psychic.
Aeromancer (1st). You learn the Druidcraft and Gust cantrips.
Skywalk (Channel Divinity) (2nd). The earth cannot hold you. Once activated, this feature allows you to walk through the air. Moving up and down costs double normal movement, as if you are going up or down a staircase. If you fall from a height, this feature is triggered automatically as a reaction (similar to Feather Fall). The effect lasts 10 minutes, and does not require concentration.
Wingless Flight (Channel Divinity) (6th). The Skywalk effect above can now be used for full-fledged flight at 60 feet/round. Alternatively, you could use this feature to fling another person into the air. You can move them up to 30 feet. If they crash into a hard surface, they will take 6d6 bludgeoning damage (not counting any additional falling damage they might subsequently sustain). On a successful STR save, you can only move them half the distance (for half damage). You can affect an additional person for every 6 seer levels.
Reading the Stars (8th). If under a night sky where the stars are visible, you can affect a Divination without slot cost or ritual expenditures. You can ask up to three questions without any negative effect. However, repeating a Divination before the end of your next long rest still has a chance of a random reading.
Portal to Ourania (17th). After skywalking, you can open a Gate to Ourania - the domain of the gods, without a material component, or expending a spell slot. You cannot do so again until a week has passed.
Artful (1st). You have expertise in Stealth, and learn the Mage Hand cantrip.
Mage Hand Legerdemain (Channel Divinity) (2nd). You can conjure a mage hand that has all the characteristics of the 3rd level Arcane Trickster feature. The effect can last one minute per your seer level.
Cloak of Shadows (6th). If you succeed on a Stealth check, you are considered to be under the effects of Greater Invisibility for the next minute.
Magical Ambush (8th). As the 9th level Arcane Trickster feature.
Trance Thief (17th). As the 17th level Spell Thief Arcane Trickster feature.
As Light Domain, but no Domain Spells (other than normal Sun Domain spells), the 1st level Warding Flare feature is renamed Rosy Fingertips of Dawn, and the 8th level Potent Spellcasting feature is renamed Ecstatic Trance, and uses Charisma instead of Wisdom bonus for extra damage.
As Tempest Domain, but no Domain Spells (other than normal Tempest Domain spells), and replace all 1st level features with the following: You learn the Gust, Thunderclap cantrips.
News from Afar (1st). You learn the Message and Animal Messenger cantrips
Polyglot (Channel Divinity) (2nd). For the next hour, you understand any spoken or written language without having to touch it. During that time, you also have advantage on rolls to understand codes (written, spoken or signaled).
Telepath (Channel Divinity) (6th). You can affect Detect Thoughts without using a slot. The target saves at disadvantage, and does not become aware that its mind is being read, unless you send it telepathic messages. The telepathic messages may be disguised, but for each sentence spoken, it gets to repeat its save (without disadvantage). You have the option of announcing yourself as you probe or send messages, and the target has the option of choosing to fail the save.
Mind Probe (Channel Divinity) (8th). You have the option of causing psychic damage to a creature whose mind you are probing with the above feature. The damage is 1d4 for every seer level you possess per round of probing, but the target has the option of rolling a WIS save for half damage. The effect can be maintained, but if the target exceeds the DC by 5 or more, it ends immediately.
Mass Telepathy (Channel Divinity) (17th). You can combine all of the above effects and target one creature for each five seer levels you possess (rounded down). You can also probe and send messages infinitely far, so long as the targets are all on the same plane as you.
Cunning of the Dolios (1st). You gain expertise in Deception and learn the Minor Illusion cantrip.
Invoke Duplicity (Channel Divinity) (2nd). As 2nd level Trickery Domain feature.
Cunning Hand (Channel Divinity) (6th). You are able to move any item you see within 30 feet up to 30 feet away. The item may be held by someone (and the holder may not even immediately realize they are not longer holding the item). If the item is magical, it gets a save vs. your spell save DC (modifier = item's effective spell level). Artifact-level items may choose to save.
Trading Places (Channel Divinity) (8th). You make two opponents appear to change places - one is seen where its opponent is, and vice versa. The opponents must be of roughly similar type (e.g. humanoid) and size (no more than a two-foot difference between the two). All others must roll an INT save vs. your Deception score on their turn. If they fail, they continue to believe in the trick. The effect will end after one minute regardless.
Improved Duplicity (17th). As the 17th level Trickery Domain feature.
Rugged Traveler (1st). You gain expertise in Survival. The first level of Exhaustion you sustain during the course of travel is nullified (i.e. you effectively have 7 levels of Exhaustion, and the first of these has no ill effects for you).
Walking with God (Channel Divinity) (2nd). For the next hour, you are under the simultaneous effects of Long Strider and Pass Without Trace (the latter effect works only for you, not any companions).
Master of Borders (6th). When you are in doorways, gateways, between two different terrain features, etc., creatures attack you with disadvantage, and you have advantage on saves.
Death's Door (8th). You make CON saves (death saves) at advantage as well.
Walk Through the Ether (17th). You can step into the Ethereal Plane as if you had cast the spell, The effect lasts a full 24 hours, unless you choose to end it. You can also detect any portals while there up to an hour's travel by foot away from you.
Ares' blessing (1st). You gain proficiency in martial weapons, and learn the Booming Blade cantrip.
All features from 2nd level and up correspond to features for War Domain clerics.
Hydromancer (1st). You learn the Frostbite and Shape Water cantrips.
Aquarius (Channel Divinity) (2nd). You can effect Create or Destroy Water once a round for the next minute. Note you can alter the two effects each round on your turn.
Child of Water (6th). You gain resistance to cold damage. You can also breathe underwater.
Mind over Water (Channel Divinity) (8th). You can effect Control Water for a full hour without needing to maintain concentration. You can also walk on water while the feature is in effect.
Water Servitor (17th). You can conjure a Water Elemental if you cast the spell. The elemental has +3 to its AC, HP/die, attack rolls, and damage. Unless dismissed, it stays until you finish a long rest. You do not have to make concentration rolls to maintain control of it.
Physikos (1st). You gain proficiency in Nature, and learn the Druidcraft cantrip.
Activate Vines (Channel Divinity) (2nd). You affect the Entangle spell in a 40-foot radius. Those trapped inside make their saves at disadvantage. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to direct the vines to release a single target. You do not need to maintain concentration.
Plant Whisperer (Channel Divinity) (6th). When you cast the Plant Growth spell, but each 10 foot square can, if you wish, sprout thorns that cause 1d4 piercing damage to anyone moving through it. The damage may increase depending on wind and other conditions. You can also speak with plants (as per spell) at will.
Scion of the Wild (8th). You effectively have Sanctuary on yourself regarding attacks by plant-type creatures. You save against plant-based spells with advantage. Attacks against you with weapons that have wooden parts (e.g. spears) are at disadvantage.
Forest Walker (17th). You can effect Treestride at will, without having to expend a spell slot.
As Trickery, but Expertise in one Knowledge Skills and two languages at first level, all the subsequent features identical.
Bacchanal (1st). You gain expertise in vintner's and brewer's tools. You also make saves to avoid attaining higher levels of drunkenness by adding your proficiency modifier.
Water into Wine (Channel Divinity) (2nd). You can transmute 10 gallons of water into wine. The first drink of this wine taken by any creature will have the effect of a False Life cantrip. The False Life effect cannot stack with the same effect from any other source (including another use of Water into Wine).
Resistant to Toxins (6th). You now have resistance to poison, and are unaffected by hangovers after finishing a long rest.
Potent Vintage (8th). Any wine you created with the Water into Wine feature can have the effect of a Confusion spell when first consumed. It is up to you whether it also has the False Life effect.
Spirit of Dionysus (17th). Any wine created by Water into Wine can have the effect of throwing the imbiber into another plane if they fail a WIS save against your spell save DC. The imbiber may choose to fail the save. The plane is randomly determined for every drinker other than yourself. The same wine from the same source cannot have this effect more than once
As Arcana Domain, but with the following differences:
At first level, you gain Expertise in Arcana, and a cantrip of your choice (any school)
The Arcane Abjuration feature may be used to charm spirits. Instead of driving spirits off, you can freeze them in place, and then cause one per round to make WIS saves against being charmed by you while the feature is in effect. Once the effect ends, all enchantments end as well.
Arcane Master at 17th level allows you to choose spells from any class list that are not in any of your domains.
Sorcerer (Goés)
There are a myriad powers and spirits in the world. Most are unknown, and the relationship between them and mortals is not rarely spelled out. Whereas gods created mortals, and maintain order in the cosmos, other beings seem to exist on the margins, beyond the divine order. Those who come into contact with them themselves tend to be marginalized - they are without a defined social standing, they are regarded as deviant, or foreign. Nevertheless, such people search for rituals to solicit the aid or such spirits, to bind them to their will, or to use their power to trigger sympathetic or contagious magic. Given political divisions and the limited spread of the written word, there is no clear body of laws to define or deal with sorcery or counterpoise it to religion and service to the gods. Yet the name of, and the wishes of, the gods, are widely known, which makes people who traffic with other beings - spirits of a particular locale, ghosts of the departed, beings that predate the gods, or maybe even gods in an unrevealed form - at least mildly suspect. Their power is seen as a destabilizing influence, even as they are accused being charlatans with no power whatsoever (frequently, by the very same people). The sorcerers themselves are aware that what they are doing is abnormal, and potentially dangerous. They are a motley bunch, with no clear techniques - each one is eclectic, making up their own procedures as they go along. The name goés derives from the sound of wailing - a technique to attract the spirits who reside in the vicinity of cemeteries. While many do indeed seek out such spirits, others search for arcane bindings and curse tablets, while others still concentrate on potions and philters. Though the practices are unpredictable and dangerous, there is also the potential for a great payoff, The services of sorcerers are particularly sought after near border areas, where the powers of the gods are weaker, and during crisis periods, when order has broken down.
Starting equipment: Choose one: scroll, curse tablet, cauldron, or amulet
[Sorcerer features:
Hit Dice: d6
Weapon/Armor Proficiencies: Simple weapons, no armor
Tools and Languages: one tool proficiency
Saving Throws: WIS and CHA, or INT and WIS
Skills: Choose two from among Arcana, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Literacy, Medicine, Performance, Persuasion, and Religion
- Each sorcerer starts out knowing 3 cantrips and 3 first level spells
- You learn a new spell each time you gain a level. As an option, you may gain two spells if you use the second one as a replacement for one you discard
- Aside from that, your spell slot progression table is that of any other full caster
- The spells can be chosen from any class list (and the Lukomorye offerings). The same applies to subsequent spells you learn as you gain levels or discover them from any other source
- The casting ability depends on which specialization you choose
- You are a ritual caster, but you do not start with a focus
Features by level:
1st - Spellcasting, specialization
2nd - Magical boon, cantrip
3rd - Magical boon
4th - ASI
6th - Specialization feature, magical boon
8th - ASI
10th - Specialization feature, magical boon
12th - ASI, cantrip
14th - specialization feature, magical boon
16th - ASI
18th - specialization feature, magical boon
19th - ASI
20th - Epic magical boon
Magical boon - you learn an eldritch invocation (Warlock), type of metamagic, or a Wizard tradition feature. Allowable wizard tradition features are Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy. Transmutation is not not available, except the 10th level feature (which can't be taken earlier than 10th level). Activating metamagic does not require sorcery points, but you can use the feature once per point of spellcasting ability modifier. Boons can be mixed and matched, but any boons that are gained at specific levels cannot be gained earlier, and boons that are part of sequences or have prerequisites can only be gained once the conditions are fulfilled. The familiar boon is custom, and is detailed below.
Paredros (Familiar boon).
You learn the Find Familiar spell (otherwise unavailable), and can cast it normally (with components and casting time as stipulated by the spell description). The paredros takes the form of a small animal, though it is an embodied spirit. The familiar cannot be dismissed temporarily or permanently, however. It can communicate with you telepathically, and you can see through its senses within 100 feet as per the spell description. However, the familiar can become invisible at will (as an action). It may take the attack action. If within the same range, you may add its HP to your total (but if it dies, you permanently lose double that amount from your total). Lastly, the paredros allows you to recover spell slots after a short rest (as per Arcane Recovery).
If the boon is taken a second time, you perceive what the paredros perceives, and can communicate with it telepathically, within 1 mile. It has double normal HP, and you can add that number to your total (and subtract double the number if the familiar dies). The paredros can, as an action, transform into another animal that is eligible to serve as a paredros.
If you take the boon for a third time, the paredros gains magic resistance, as do you if it is within one mile of you. It can sense the presence of spirits within that radius, and though it cannot pinpoint their location, it knows if they are getting closer or further. It can also sense the presence of portals to other planes within the same radius. Finally, it allows you to learn one additional spell.
Sorcerer Paths - choose between soul charmer, witch, and binder
Binder (Katochos). In the world of the gods, speech, signs, words, letters and things are one. For most mortals, they have become separate, and inert. The gods, powerful spirits, and especially gifted mortals can transcend these boundaries by speaking words of power, inscribing sigils, and creating vessels that both stand for something and at the same time are that thing. Those who practice the art of binding can bind a thing, or a creature, to objects, sounds, or words that represent them, and thus attain power over them. Clearly, doing so represents a threat to the established order of things, where such power is the prerogative of the gods alone. Therefore, those who risk walking on such a perilous path are born risk-takers, likely from the margins of the social order, who solicit their services for money. Alternatively, they are foreigners, fleeing trouble in their homeland, and looking to make a name for themselves in a new kingdom. Literate foreigners from lands across the Yaynic Sea are particularly likely to be numbered among the katochoi, for their use of letters allows them to create katadesmos - tablets (usually made of imperishable material) that bind someone to the will of the caster (or one who is paying them) in perpetuity.
Casting ability: INT
Katagraphikos (1st). You learn the Literacy skill, and the Write spell (see Lukomorye, p. 210). You are now able to transcribe spells from books, scrolls, and oral media, provided you understand them and competently copy them down (see same source, p. 174, for the system dictating the copying process. The total number of spells you can prepare per day equals your level plus your INT modifier.
Katadesmos (6th). You can inscribe an enchantment spell or a curse on an ostraka or thin metallic tablet (the type of material depends on the strength of the spell - the more powerful, the more expensive the material). The binding is sealed with the name of the intended target. The katadesmos is then buried in a place of significance to the target or the event one hopes to influence (e.g. a shrine, cemetery, palace, etc.). The spell inscribed must be one the katochoi is able to cast, and it cannot directly cause damage to the target. It can outline the time frame in which the spell is triggered (e.g. 'during the ceremony').
Effigy (10th). You create an effigy of a target made of wax, wood, or a similar material. The item must be sealed with a substance that has touched (or been part of) the target, as well as the target's name. At a time of your choosing, you can use a pin or similar item to stab the effigy - an action which delivers 1d4 psychic damage to the target (you do not need to roll an attack). The target must be on the same plane as the sorcerer. You may do this for as many rounds as you have sorcerer levels (though you may stop earlier if you wish). On the final round, you can cast a spell you know and have prepared on the effigy. Note that many lower-level binders (or outright charlatans) claim to possess this ability as well.
Improved Katadesmos (14th). You may now create a 'curse tablet' which holds multiple spells - one for every point of your proficiency bonus. They may be triggered simultaneously (though triggering each requires an action), or at different times. Once all the spells have been triggered, the tablet no longer has any effect. The spells may now be of any type, and may damage the target directly.
Letter to the Gods (18th). You address a letter to a god or gods (typically, of the chthonic variety), and place in a place of significance (one of their temples, an entry to the underworld, the mouth of a dead person, etc.). The spell contains a request for their aid. The gods respond within one day, either through a dream or a seemingly mundane event. As a result, you gain access to any spell you otherwise do not know, but of a slot level you can cast. If you perform this ritual on consecutive days, there is a cumulative 10% chance that the spell will backfire (e.g. the effect will be on the caster or a different person, that it will be an entirely different spell, etc.).
Soul Charmer (Psychogogos). The psychogogos (also called evocator) is perhaps the oldest variety of sorcerer, one who uses facial gestures and sounds (including the proverbial 'wailing' to gain control of spirits (daimones) of various kinds. Compared to the katochoi, the psychogogoi are more likely to be native Kadmeians, though most lands possess similar practitioners. The soul charmers themselves claim that their activities used to be seen as wholly legitimate and beneficial, but they were subsequently pushed to the margins. The authorities claim that psychogogoi are in league with powers that predate, and are opposed to, the gods.
Casting ability: CHA
Spirit Sight (1st). You gain proficiency in Insight. If you wish, you can forego your second class skill proficiency in order to gain expertise in Insight. You can roll Insight to sense if a creature has died within 60 feet of you (DC 10 for the last 24 hours, DC 15 for the previous week, DC 20 for the previous month). You do not know exactly when the death occurred, or what kind of creature suffered it, though you know how many creatures died within the given time frame. You can also use this feature to detect the presence of spirits with 60 feet of you, even if the spirit is concealed behind cover or a barrier. If it is invisible, you became aware of its presence, but do not know exactly where it is. You can also identify the type of spirit you detect (e.g. celestial, infernal, shade, etc.) The awareness lasts until the end of your next turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your CHA modifier (minimum of 1 time) per day. You regain all uses after finishing a long rest.
Command over spirits (1st). You can drive away or control spirits within 60 feet of you. The spirits must roll against your spell save DC, or either move away from you at top speed, or do your bidding (if that is not seen as self-destructive). The effect lasts for 1 minute. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your CHA modifier (minimum of 1 time) per day. You regain all uses after finishing a long rest.
Baskania (Evil Eye) (1st). You cast a sideways glance at a creature, directing your inner daimon to curse them. Doing so will cause the creature to roll its next attack, skill check, or saving throw at disadvantage. If the target fails the roll, you gain a spell slot (equal to half your sorcerer level, rounded down). You may do this once and not again before finishing a long rest. You do pay a price in the form of sustaining one HP of psychic damage for each level of spell slot earned.
Witch (Pharmakis/pharmakeus). Unlike other sorcerers, the practitioner of pharmakeia is typically female. This spellcaster is the descendant of old medicine women, knowledgeable in herbs of various kinds. There are some male practitioners, who call themselves pharmakeus. Today, they are followers (or priests, or descendants) of Hekate, the embodiment of magic, and are especially adept at brewing potions of various kinds.
Casting ability: WIS
Herbalist (1st). You gain proficiency in Medicine and Herbalists' tools. If you wish, you can forego your second class proficiency and take expertise in either one. If you acquire or start with a cauldron weighing at least 50 lbs., you can use your Herbalist proficiency to brew one of the following potions (one dose). It takes one long rest period to brew the potion, during which time the cauldron must be continually bubbling. At the end of the long rest, you may decant the liquid into an empty receptacle (you do not have to use up the whole brew). As a bonus action, you can shrink the cauldron down to the size of a chalice weighing 5 lbs., but if you do so while the cauldron is brewing, you the liquid has no magical effects. The chalice, properly sealed, may be carried, has enough liquid to potentially create one potion.
When you brew a potion, the GM secretly rolls your Herbalism Tools check. If a success is indicated, you create the potion you desire (see list below). The DC of the check is 10 + the level of the spell the potion most closely approximates. If the check is failed, the GM rolls a d10. If the result is 1-8, the potion produced has the effect of the potion randomly determined. If the result is a 9, the potion has no effect. If the result is a 10, roll on the Wild Magic effect table to determine the result of the potion generated.
- Healing. The drinker regains 2d4 hp + your Charisma modifier.
- Love Potion. Any creature drinking this potion becomes charmed by the creature closest to them for one hour. The Wisdom save is made at disadvantage. If you expend a spell slot, the choice of the creature that charms them is up to you.
- Transformation. The drinker's body becomes transformed as if affected by an Alter Self spell, for 10 minutes. They determine the transformation caused by the potion, but if you expend a spell slot, you may make the determination.
- Resistance. The drinker gains resistance to one type of damage for one hour. They determine the type of resistance, unless you spent a spell slot to create the potion, in which case you determine it.
- Levitation. The drinker can levitate (as per the spell) for 10 minutes if they (together with any equipment) weigh less than 500 lbs.
- Insight. The drinker gets an insight regarding a course of action as if they had cast an Augury spell.
- Darkvision. The drinker gains 60' Darkvision for 8 hours, as per the spell of that name.
- Free Action. The drinker gains either a climbing speed, a swimming speed, or a burrowing speed equal to their normal speed, for 1 hour, They may breathe normally in the new environment. The choice of new speed is up to them, unless you expend a spell slot, in which case, you may choose.
If you select an Invocation that has Pact of the Cauldron (see here) as a prerequisite, you may subtract one from the d10 roll per Invocation. However, you must add one for every active potion you have over and above your WIS modifier score. Also keep in mind that potion miscibility produces additional complications.
Night Flight (6th). You can brew a potion that allows your spirit to leave the body. This can take place while you are apparently asleep, at rest, or engaged in some other activity. While outside the body, the pharmakis' spirit is invisible, though it can be detected by the Spirit Sight ability, the Detect Good and Evil spell, Primeval Awareness, or other similar ability. The spirit cannot take most normal damage, though it can be commanded by a psychogogos, or sustain psychic damage at the hands of a creature that is aware of its presence and/or location. If subjected to psychic damage, the spirit has as many HP as the pharmakis does normally. If the spirit is reduced to 0 HP, the pharmakis wakes up immediately, sustaining any surplus psychic damage. The disembodied spirit has 60 feet of darkvision, can fly at 40 feet/round, and cast spells without material components as if the pharmakis were physically present in the area. The pharmakis is aware of the spirit's surroundings, but while directing the spirit, the physical pharmakis cannot act, react, use bonus actions, or move. Maintaining the effect costs 1 spell slot/10 minutes, an additional spell slot for each cantrip used, and one spell slot per level of each spell cast. The effect ends immediately if the pharmakis sustains non-psychic damage, or if she has no spell slots remaining.
Advanced Herbalist (10th). You can brew any other potions (e.g. shapechange, giant strength), provided you have spell slots of a sufficiently high level to simulate the core effect. The core effect determines the difficult of the save (e.g. a polymorph potion has DC 14). If the check is failed, the potion becomes result 9 on the table, and a d12 is rolled to determine the outcome (with 12 equalling a roll on the Wild Magic Table, and 10 and 11 equalling no effect).
Possession (14th). You create a potion with the effect of Night Flight, above, plus additional features that allow you to take control of a creature. To possess it, you must expend three spell slots, and make an opposed spell attack roll against the creature's CHA save. If you win, you take physical and mental control of it. The possessing witch has the senses of the controlled creature, may cause it to speak in its own voice, as well as to move, Dodge, Disengage, Dash or Help actions without incurring additional costs. If the pharmakis directs it to harm another or itself, a new contest to control the creature occurs every time it is ordered to act to cause harm. If the possessing witch loses a contest at any point, both the Possession and the Night Flight end immediately, and the witch takes 1 point of psychic damage per the possessed creature HD, as well as one additional point of psychic damage for every point by which the roll to control the creature failed. While possessing the creature, the witch makes attacks as the creature normally would, but she adds her own proficiency bonus to its attacks. You may also cast spells through its body as if you were present there, assuming you maintain control and have the necessary components. If the possessed creature also has spellcasting (or related) ability, that remains suppressed an inaccessible as long as the creature remains possessed. Finally, you may attempt to "ride" the victim by stealing blood and vitality from it. A roll to ride is made (identical to the roll to control), and if successful, the witch steals HP equal to the amount by which the contested roll to ride the victim was successful. If the witch is not at full XP, the stolen vitality is considered a cure spell. If she is at maximum HP, the stolen vitality is considered temporary HP. The total amount the witch can steal cannot exceed the victim's maximum HP at the moment the possession began. Reducing the victim to 0 HP ends the effect immediately.
Pharmakos (18th). You brew a potion to transform anyone who drinks it into a scapegoat. Whenever the drinker comes into contact with another creature, the creature must make a save against your spell save DC, or attack the drinker immediately. The effect lasts indefinitely, though it may be possible to overcome the curse. The drinker of the potion can be enticed into drinking it through trickery, force, or magic.